Mendoncia velloziana is a plant native to Atlantic Coast restingas vegetation which is an ecosystem of Atlantic Forest biome. In addition, this plant grows either in Cerrado vegetation of Brazil. This plant grows in following states of Brazil: Bahia, Ceará Minas Gerais Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Paraná and Santa Catarina, and it is usually visited by the hummingbirds.
Mendoncia velloziana is cited in the following research articles:
Mendoncia velloziana is a plant native to Atlantic Coast restingas vegetation which is an ecosystem of Atlantic Forest biome. In addition, this plant grows either in Cerrado vegetation of Brazil. This plant grows in following states of Brazil: Bahia, Ceará Minas Gerais Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Paraná and Santa Catarina, and it is usually visited by the hummingbirds.