Coral Sea, Duration 13 seconds
Indo-Pacific, Shot at dusk, Duration 49 seconds
Melibe leonina, Lion nudibranchPhotograph taken at the Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey, CA June 26, 2014
Erika Espinoza, Anne DuPont, Ángel Valdés
Figure 2.Two views of the holotype of Melibe arianeae sp. n. (LACM 3258). A. Dorsolateral view showing the right side of the animal. B. Dorsal view showing the oral hood border through the semi-transparent skin.
Coral Sea, Shot at dusk, Duration 24 seconds
Indo-Pacific, Shot at dusk, Duration 65 seconds
Erika Espinoza, Anne DuPont, Ángel Valdés
Figure 3.A Reproductive system of the paratype of Melibe arianeae sp. n. (LACM 3259) B Anterior portion of the digestive system of the holotype of Melibe arianeae sp. n. (LACM 3258). Scale bars = 1mm. Abbreviations: am, ampulla; bb, buccal bulb; bc, bursa copulatrix; bg, buccal ganglion; cg, cerebral ganglion; dd, deferent duct; fg, female gland complex; pe, penis; plg, pleural ganglion; pg, pedal ganglion; pr, prostate; sg, salivary gland; st, stomach.
Coral Sea, Shot at dusk, Duration 22 seconds
Indo-Pacific, Shot at dusk, Duration 22 seconds
Erika Espinoza, Anne DuPont, Ángel Valdés
Figure 4.Scanning electron micrograph of the dissected stomach of the paratype of Melibe arianeae sp. n. (LACM 3259) showing the stomach plates. Scale bar = 500 µm.
Coral Sea, Duration 26 seconds
Indo-Pacific, Shot at dusk, Duration 29 seconds
South Pacific Ocean, Duration 11 seconds
Indo-Pacific, Shot at dusk, Duration 30 seconds