Description of Ovavesicula
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Monomorphic, diplokaryotic and monokaryotic; merogony involves diplokaryotic cells which divide by binary fission; sporogony involves binucleate cells, in which the two elements of a diplokaryon separate; during deposition of a thick (30 - 35 nm) electron dense layer on the plasma membrane and eventual separation of this coat as a persistent, regularly ovoid sporophorous vesicle, the nuclei divide repeatedly to form a multinucleate plasmodium; spores, 2.0 - 2.5 x 1.7 - 1.8 µm, are spherical or ovoid, uninucleate, always 32 per sporophorous vesicle; polaroplast is lamellar with closely-packed anterior lamellae and slightly more loosely-arranged posterior lamellae; polar tube is isofilar with 6 coils around the single nucleus; the most characteristic feature is the distinctly ovoid sporophorous vesicle containing 32 spores; type species O. popilliae Andreadis & Hanula, 1987 in Malpighian tubules of larvae of the Japanese beetle Popillia japonica (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae).