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Chiloglanis pezoldi Schmidt & Bart 2017

Diagnostic Description

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Diagnosis: Chiloglanis pezoldi is distinguished from C. waterloti, C. longibarbis, C. occidentalis, C. normani, C. nzerekore, C. kabaensis, and C. kolente in having more mandibular teeth in the functional row; it can be easily distinguished from C. polyodon and C. lamottei in having fewer mandibular teeth in the functional row, and from Chiloglanis aff. micropogon in having moderately long medial and lateral mandibular barbels vs. absent or reduced barbels; it is distinguished from C. dialloi and C. loffabrevum in having longer dorsal spines; it is distinguished from C. camarabounyi in having longer pectoral spines, fewer premaxillary teeth, 51-77 vs. 60-112, and a longer adipose fin, 13.2-21.9% of standard length vs. 12.1-15.9%; it can be distinguished from C. tweddlei in having a smaller premaxillary tooth patch, 12.2-15.8% of standard length vs. 15.3-18.2%, and in having premaxillary teeth in three rows vs. four rows (Ref. 116018).Description: A moderate-sized, robust Chiloglanis; 50.7 mm maximum standard length observed; body dorsally depressed anteriorly; laterally compressed posteriorly; pre-dorsal profile convex; sloping ventrally to orbit; pre-orbital strongly convex to snout; post-dorsal profile nearly horizontal; sloping ventrally towards caudal fin; pre-anal profile convex to oral disc; post-anal profile horizontal to caudal fin (Ref. 116018). Small unculiferous tubercles scattered across body: higher concentrations on head and dorsum; lateral line complete; arising above level of orbit and sloping ventrally towards caudal fin; urogenital papillae sexually dimorphic; males with elongate papillae; papillae reduced and separated from anus by shallow invagination in females (Ref. 116018). Head depressed; gill membranes broadly united; gill openings restricted; opening from pectoral-fin origin to level of center orbit; occipital-nuchal shield covered and visible through skin; eyes moderate; located near mid-head length; horizontal axis longer; without free margins; anterior and posterior nares positioned mid-snout; posterior nares slightly further apart than anterior; elongated medial and anterior flaps on posterior nares (Ref. 116018). Mouth inferior; upper and lower lips united to form oral disc; oral disc moderate in size, itw width 17.2-22.4% of standard length; length and width nearly equal; covered with papillae (Ref. 116018). Barbels in three pairs; maxillary barbels originate from posterolateral region of the disc; unbranched and moderate in length, 20.6-30.1% of head length; lateral and medial mandibular barbels moderate; incorporated in lower lip and positioned on both sides of prominent midline cleft; lateral barbels, 10.2-14.5% of head length, nearly twice the length of medial barbels (Ref. 116018). Primary premaxillary teeth "S"-shaped with exposed orange-brown tips; 51-77 teeth in three scattered rows on two ovoid tooth pads; secondary premaxillary teeth scattered on posterior surface of premaxillae; tertiary teeth sharp and needle-like; near midline of dorsal edge of toothplate; mandibular teeth in 1-2 rows; "S"-shaped and bunched near midline; functional, anterior, row usually contains 12 brown-tipped teeth (Ref. 116018). Dorsal-fin origin posterior to anterior third of body; dorsal fin with small spinelet, spine, and 4-6 rays; dorsal spine relatively long, 15.2-20.7% of standard length; anterior margin smooth with small notches distally; posterior edge of dorsal spine smooth; adipose fin moderate in length, 13.2-21.9% of standard length; margin convex; caudal fin forked with rounded lobes; lower lobe slightly longer than upper lobe; count i,7,8,i; anal-fin origin posterior to adipose-fin origin; margin convex; count iii,5-7; pelvic-fin origin midway between dorsal-fin terminus and adipose fin; extending to anal-fin origin; margins convex; count i,6; pectoral fin with smooth spine; relatively long, 16.7-22.9% of standard length; count I,8 (Ref. 116018). Postcleithral process sexually dimorphic; males with elongate, spatulate process; females with shorter, bluntly pointed process (Ref. 116018).Colouration: In dorsal view, body medium brown; patches of lighter brown at pre-orbit, origin of dorsal fin, and origin and terminus of adipose fin; head and dorsum covered with light unculiferous tubercles; in lateral view, body light brown to cream; overlain by areas of medium brown, light areas at adipose-fin terminus extending to anal-fin terminus; body covered in melanophores; more noticeable in lighter areas; in ventral view, body cream; few melanophores on margin of chest and belly; oral disc and barbels cream (Ref. 116018). Pectoral and dorsal spines and rays cream to translucent; medium brown triangular patch at base of pectoral and dorsal fin; pectoral fin with scattered melanophores; dorsal fin with melanophores at mid-length creating a faint bar; adipose fin cream; brown at origin; pelvic fin cream; anal fin cream; small brown patch at base near origin; caudal fin cream to translucent; two irregular brown areas in upper and lower lobes (Ref. 116018).
Gert Boden
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Dorsal spines (total): 2; Dorsal soft rays (total): 4 - 6; Analspines: 0; Analsoft rays: 8 - 10
Gert Boden
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Trophic Strategy

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This species is found in a small clear stream on the edge of the Ziama Forest; in riffles with gravel substrate and woody debris (Ref. 116018).
Gert Boden
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provided by Fishbase
This species is found in a small clear stream on the edge of the Ziama Forest; in riffles with gravel substrate and woody debris (Ref. 116018).
Gert Boden
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provided by Fishbase
Gert Boden
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partner site