Image of Cerithium columna G. B. Sowerby I 1834
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Cerithium columna G. B. Sowerby I 1834

Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Cerithium columna Sowerby, 1834

Murex torulosa Linné, 1767:1226 [type not found; type locality not cited; nomen dubium].—Dodge, 1957:199–201.

Cerithium torulosum Braguière, 1792:482 [2 probable syntypes MHNG 109736, larger selected as lectotype; type locality: not cited; 32 mm and 29.6 mm].—Lamarck, 1822:74–75.—Tryon, 1887:147, pl 28: figs. 50, 52, 53.

Cerithium columna Sowerby, 1834:273, pl 213: fig. 7 [neotype herein selected: BMNH 19862841, 40.2 mm, figured specimen of Sowerby (1855, fig. 56); type locality: Philippines]; 1855:855. pl. 178: figs. 55–58; 1865, pl 1: fig. 2.—Tryon, 1887:123, pl. 20: figs 17–20.—Kobelt, 1891:85, pl. 16: figs 7, 8.—Salvat and Rives, 1975:268, fig. 60.

Cerithium torulosum (Linné).—Sowerby, 1855:857, pl 179: fig. 64; pl 180: fig. 92 [fig. 64 is not Cerithium torulosum Braguière, 1792].—Deshayes, 1863:95.—Salvat and Rives, 1975:269, fig. 64.

Cerithium fusiforme Sowerby, 1855:862, pl. 180: figs. 16, 17 [holotype: BMNH 1986170; type locality: Philippines, 22.2 mm]; 1865, pl. 8: fig. 47.—Tryon, 1887:130 [not Cerithium fusiforme Leymerie, 1844].— Springsteen and Leobrera, 1986:62, pl. 13: fig. 18 [not Cerithium fusiforme Sowerby, 1855; is Cerithium lissum Watson, 1880].

Cerithium menkei Deshayes, 1863:97, pl. 38 [incorrectly cited on p. 97 as pl. 11]: fig. 15 [holotype not located, Deshayes' fig. 15 herein selected to represent lectotype; type locality: Reunion, 23 mm × 10 mm].—Tryon, 1887:123, pl 20: fig. 19.

Cerithium siphonatum Sowerby, 1865, pl. 13: fig. 90a,b [holotype: BMNH 1986182; type locality.not cited; 17 mm × 7 mm].—Tryon, 1887:123, pl. 20: fig. 23.—Kobelt, 1893: 127, pl. 24: figs. 4, 5.

Cerithium sandvichense Sowerby, 1865, pl. 6: fig. 37a,b [holotype: BMNH 1986179; type locality: Sandwich Islands (Hawaii); 28 mm × 12 mm]; 1866, supplementary plate, pl. 12: fig. 305.—Tryon, 1887:127, pl. 22: fig. 58.—Kobelt, 1895:184, pl. 34: figs. 4–5.—Salvat and Rives. 1975:269, pl. 62.—Rehder, 1980:36, pl. 6: fig. 3.

Vertagus lorulosus Sowerby, 1865, pl. 5: fig. 25a,b [type not found, Sowerby's fig. 25b herein selected to represent lectotype; type locality: Society Islands).

Cerithium cylindraceum Pease, 1869:77 [holotype: ANSP 17703; type locality: Paumotus; 25.8 mm −8.1 mm].

Cerithium sculptum Pease, 1869:77, pl 8: fig. 8 [holotype: ANSP 17592; type locality: Paumotus; 31 mm × 12.8 mm].—Tryon,1887:125. pl. 21: fig. 37.

Cerithium proditum Bayle, 1880:246 [new name for Cerithium fusiforme Sowerby, 1855; not Cerithium proditum Bayle, 1880:249].

Cerithium citrinoide Kobelt, 1893:122–123. pl. 23: figs. 6, 7 [holotype: SMF 228–197; type locality: Philippines; 38.5 mm × 13.3 mm].

Cerithium peasi Dautzenberg and Bouge, 1933:310 [new name for Cerithium cylindraceum Pease, 1869].

Cerithium munitoides Habe, 1964:43, pl. 13: fig. 1 [holotype: NSMT 54852, paratype NSMT 54853; type locality: Okinoerabu-shima, Kagoshima, Kyushu, Japan; 18.8 mm × 6.8 mm].

Cerithium (Cerithium) salebrosum Sowerby.—Ladd, 1972:37, pl 9: fig. 12 [not Cerithium salebrosum Sowerby, 1855; is Cerithium columna Sowerby, 1834].

Cerithium (Thericium) salebrosum Sowerby.—Ladd, 1972:39, pl. 9: fig. 12 [not Cerithium salebrosum Sowerby, 1855; is C. lorulosum Linné, 1767].

Cerithium (Cerithium) aff. C. columna Sowerby.—Ladd, 1972:39, pl. 10: fig. 2 [not Cerithium columna Sowerby, 1834; is Cerithium munitum Sowerby, 1855].

DESCRIPTION.—Shell (Figures 31–33): Shell turreted, fusiform, broad or slender, comprising 9–13 highly angulate to straight-sided whorls frequently dorso-laterally flattened. Shell reaching 50 mm length and 20.8 mm width. Protoconch (Figure 33H) comprises 3 whorls and with deep sinusigeral notch at lip edge; protoconch 1, comprising 1 smooth whorl; protoconch 2, red-brown with strong, buttress-like, subsutural, axial plicae and two spiral threads and interspace with microscopic chevron-shaped axial riblets crossing anterior spiral thread. Early teleoconch whorls sculptured with many finely incised spiral lines, earliest whorls with two spiral cords, rapidly increasing in number and tightly adpressed; two peripheral cords becoming dominant and nodulose to spinose in adult teleoconch; other spiral cords becoming coarser and varying in thickness, but major cords smoothly beaded; 1–14 spiral cords and many fine microscopic spiral striae (Figure 34A). Penultimate whorl with up to 18 axial ribs, usually strong and angulate at periphery. Subsutural band of beads varying in intensity, sometimes fusing to form thick, subsutural, spiral cord. Large, strong varices randomly placed on teleoconch. Suture deeply impressed and broad, subsutural ramp in some phenotypes. Body whorl large, broad, with excavated base and sculptured with numerous spiral striae and cords, larger of which sometimes with beads, nodes or spines. Large, broad varix on body whorl opposite outer lip of aperture. Anterior siphonal canal well developed, long, moderately tubular, reflected dorsally to left of shell axis. Anal canal well developed, bordered by strong parietal columellar plait. Aperture fusiform, ovate, between one-third and one-fourth the shell length. Outer lip thick at edge, strongly crenulate, and deeply furrowed internally, forming labial denticles that continue well into aperture. Columella concave, with heavy callus and thick columellar lip. Shell color usually white, occasionally cream, light yellow, or pink, and finely speckled and blotched with brown or purple. Juvenile whorls bluish black. Aperture and columella white. Measurements (Table 16). Periostracum thin.

Radula (Figure 34B–F): Type-1 radular ribbon (Figure 3A) 15 percent of shell length. Rachidian tooth (Figure 34E,F) rectangular with wide basal plate, pair of lunate basal ridges, and short, mid-posterior extension; anterior front convex and cutting edge with large spade-shaped central cusp flanked on each side by two, very small denticles. Lateral tooth (Figure 34E) with broad central, posterior projecting buttress bearing small papillae, and with short lateral, posterior extension; cutting edge with large, pointed, major cusp, one inner flanking denticle, and 3 outer flanking denticles. Marginal teeth (Figure 34B–E) short, with broad bases, sharply curved and serrated at tips. Inner marginal tooth with long, pointed, main cusp, 3 pointed, inner flankingdenticles, and 2 outer flanking denticles. Outer marginal tooth same, but lacking outer flanking denticles.

Anatomy (Figure 35): Head-foot pale to dark yellow-green with white and pink blotches and flecked with tiny black dots. Foot wide, crescent-shaped anteriorly, with deep anterior mucus gland. Females with ciliated groove and bulbous, glandular ovipositor on right side of foot. Mantle edge papillae green or white with tiny white spots beneath each papilla and evenly spaced white lines between each group of 5 papillae. Inhalant siphon pink, white with pink spots within. Snout massive, bilobed at tip. Mantle green. Osphradium tan; ctenidium white, narrow, comprising long triangular to finger-like filaments. Hypobranchial gland thick, pale green, divided into transverse ridges. Paired salivary glands comprise thin, uncoiled tubes running through nerve ring. Large esophageal gland present. Ovary whitish orange. Type-A palliai oviduct (Figure 4A; Figure 35) with short sperm gutter (Figure 35, sg) at edge of anterior medial lamina leading into elongate, enlarged spermatophore bursa (Figure 35, sb). Elongate, tubular anterior seminal receptacle (Figure 35, asr) in anterior lateral lamina (Figure 35, ll).

bibliographic citation
Houbrick, Richard S. 1992. "Monograph of the genus Cerithium Bruguiere in the Indo-Pacific (Cerithiidae: Prosobranchia)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-211. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.510