
Comprehensive Description

provided by Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Anoplius (Pompilinus) hispaniolae new species
Anoplius {Pompilinus) coruscus Evans, 1951, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc, 76: 273 (not coruscus Smith, misidentification).
Allotype. — 2 , Haiti: Kenskoff, near Port-au-Prince, 4-6000 feet, 23 Sept. 1934 (P. J. Darlington, Jr.) [MCZ].
Description of female allotype. — Length 8 mm.; fore wing 6.7 mm. Black; Tl-3 and all but the apical margin of T4, also SI -2, bright orangebrown; wings lightly infuscated, darker along the outer margin. Pubescence conspicuous silvery on the front, clypeus, base of mandibles, temples, scape, greater part of coxae and lower pleura, propodeum, and colored portions of abdomen, elsewhere brownish. Head, prothorax, and mesonotum with a few erect setae, but propodeum without setae; abdomen with the usual strong setae ventrally and apically, the last tergite with strong bristles. Clypeus 2.5 X as broad as high, truncate below. Head 1.16 X as wide as high, the vertex passing straight across between the eye tops. Front narrow, MID .54 X TFD; UID .82 X LID; POL:OOL = 5:4. First four antennal segments in a ratio of about 20:6:29:24, segment three equal to .94 X UID. Pronotum broadly angulate behind. Propodeum relatively short and strongly convex, with an oblique declivity on the posterior third; median line weakly impressed. Front basitarsus with three comb-spines, the spines approximately as long as the width of the tarsus at their bases. Fore wing with the basal and transverse median veins disjointed as usual in this subgenus; SMC3 subtriangular, narrowed by .8 above by the strong arcuation of the third intercubital vein.
Holotype. — $ , Haiti: Port-au-Prince & vie, 6 Oct. 1934 (P. J. Darlington, Jr.) [MCZ, no. 30, 972)].
Description of male holotype. — Length 7 mm.; fore wing 5 mm. Black; flagellum brownish beneath; abdomen bright orange-brown on the second and third segments, above and below, also on the apex of the first; wings very lightly infuscated, the fore wing broadly darker apically. Pubescence silvery over greater part of the body, especially dense and conspicuous on the front, temples, pronotum, coxae, pleura, and propodeum; body with very limited erect hairs, the propodeum and abdominal venter quite smooth. Clypeus 2.3 X as wide as high, very weakly concave below. Head 1.08 X as wide as high, vertex forming a gentle arc above the eye tops. MID .60 X TFD; UID 1.12 X LID; POL:OOL = 9:7. First four antennal segments in a ratio of about 13:5:11: 11, segment three about 2.4 X as long as thick. Pronotum angulate behind. SMC3 petiolate. SGP of moderate breadth, tapering to a sharp angle apically. Genitalia with the parameres much expanded apically, the tip acute, the subbasal squama strongly developed; digiti smoothly rounded apically, covered with short setae; parapenial lobes slender, curved; aedoeagus simple, slightly expanded apically.
Paratypes. — Santo Domingo: 1 2 , no further data [BMNH]. Mona Island: 1 9, April 1935 [MCZ].
Variation. — The female paratypes are slightly larger than the allotype (both about 9 mm., fore wing 7.0-7.2 mm.). Both specimens have the abdomen entirely orange-brown except the apical two segments somewhat infuscated; in both these specimens SMC3 is petiolate. In both paratypes the third antennal segment is relatively somewhat shorter, subequal in length to the first two together, measuring .80-. 82 X UID. In the Mona Island specimen the front is wider than in the other two, MID measuring .57 X TFD. These specimens otherwise agree rather closely with the allotype.
bibliographic citation
Evans, H.E. 1966. A Revision of the Mexican and Central American Spider Wasps of the Subfamily Pompilinae (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 20. Philadelphia, USA