Figure 32. Dorsal habitus and color pattern of Cymindis laevior (Bates) (OBL 11.67 mm).
Figure 34. Male genitalia of species of the chevrolati complex, right lateral aspect, with endophallus everted: A, Cymindis chevrolati Dejean; B, Cymindis laevior (Bates); C, Cymindis ruficornis (Bates). Legend: aa, apical area; bel, basal endophallic lobe; bl, basal lobe; ep, endophallic plate; mp, microtrichial patch; s, shaft.
Figure 35. Female reproductive tracts and ovipositors of species of the chevrolati complex, ventral aspect: A, Cymindis chevrolati Dejean; A2, gonocoxite 2 enlarged; B, Cymindis laevior (Bates); B2, gonocoxite 2 enlarged; C, Cymindis ruficornis (Bates). Legend: bc, bursa copulatrix; co, common oviduct; gc1, gonocoxite 1; gc2, gonocoxite 2; lt, lateral tergite; sd, spermathecal diverticulum; sg, spermathecal gland; sgd, spermathecal gland duct; sp, spermatheca.
Figure 37. Basal sclerites of labium, ventral aspect, and mental tooth variation in chevrolati complex: A, submentum and mentum; B-D, mental tooth of Cymindis chevrolati Dejean; E-G, and Cymindis laevior (Bates).
Figure 38. Hubbs-Perlmutter diagram illustrating overall body length (mm) variation in population samples of Cymindis chevrolati Dejean, Cymindis laevior (Bates), and Cymindis ruficornis (Bates). Horizontal lines show mean; vertical lines indicate sample range; white + colored boxes indicate 1.5 standard deviations each side of the mean; and colored boxes indicate 2 standard errors each side of the mean.
Figure 40. Hubbs-Perlmutter diagram illustrating wing length (mm) variation in Mexican state population samples of Cymindis chevrolati Dejean, Cymindis laevior (Bates), and Cymindis ruficornis (Bates). Horizontal lines show mean; vertical lines indicate sample range; white + colored boxes indicate 1.5 standard deviations each side of the mean; and colored boxes indicate 2 standard errors each side of the mean.
Figure 41. Map of extreme southeastern Texas, U.S.A. and Mexico north of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, showing position of localities for species of the chevrolati complex.