Figure 20. Structural features of male genitalia of (A) Cymindis platicollis atripennis (Casey), showing appearance of endophallus apex when spine patch is everted, (B) Cymindis rufostigma, new species, with spine patch not everted, and (C) female genitalia of Cymindis rufostigma, new species. Legend: aa, apical area; bc, bursacopulatrix; bel, basal endophallic lobe; bl, basal lobe; co, common oviduct; ep, endophallic plate; esp, endophallic spine patch; espi, endophallic spine patch invagination; gc1, gonocoxite 1; gc2, gonocoxite 2; lt, lateral tergite; s, shaft; sd, spermathecal diverticulum; sg, spermathecal gland; sgd, spermathecal gland duct; sp, spermatheca.