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Diplocheila quadricollis (La Ferté-Sénectère 1851)

Comprehensive Description

provided by Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Diplocheila quadricollis Laferte
Rembus quadricollis Laferte, 1851 : 279. Type locality: " Ind. Or." (determined
from original description). Diplocheila quadricollis Andrewes, 1930: 151.
The sharper and more flaring posterior angles of the pronotum distinguish this species from those which it most closely resembles (fig. 27), and are reminiscent of indus. However, the latter species has the body surface more coarsely sculptured, longer labral lobes, and a more deeply emarginate clypeus. The retractile stylus is distinctive (fig. 58). The proportions of the labrum of quadricollis are similar to those of distinguenda.
Variation. — Data on variation in the following mensural characters and ratios are presented in tables 2-9 — total length, maximum width, clypeus : W/L, labrum : max. L/min. L, labrum : W/min. L, max. L labrum/L ant. seg. 1, PN : W wp/L, and PN : L/W base. The head in three of the specimens examined is virtually smooth, with only two lines in the interorbital area. The fourth specimen has a shallow transverse line behind the eyes. The antennal scape is normal, not clavate. The shape of the pronotum is constant, with the posterior lateral angles prominent. The elytral striae are finely punctate in all specimens examined.
The apex of the female stylus may be slightly more broadly rounded than in fig. 58, and the outer margin may have two short spines.
The median lobe of the male genitalia is like that of polita, but the ventral margin is very strongly bulging.
Distribution. — This species probably ranges throughout India. I have seen and dissected one male and three females, collected in the following localities. India : Madras, Nedungadu.
bibliographic citation
Ball, G.E. 1959. A Taxonomic Study of the North American Licinini with Notes on the Old World Species of the Genus Diplocheila Brulle (Coleoptera). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 16. Philadelphia, USA