provided by INOTAXA archive
Hab.GUATEMALA, Pantaleon, Mirandilla, Zapote, La Tinta (Champion).
- license
- cc-by-3.0
- copyright
- Biologia Centrali-Americana
provided by INOTAXA archive
Hab.MEXICO, Teapa in Tabasco (H. H. Smith).
- license
- cc-by-3.0
- copyright
- Biologia Centrali-Americana
Latin Diagnosis
provided by INOTAXA archive
Brevior, testaceus, pubescens; capite prothoraceque densissime punctatis; elytris profunde lateque striatis, striis dense et fortiter punctatis.
Long. cum rostro 3½ millim.
- license
- cc-by-3.0
- copyright
- Biologia Centrali-Americana
Latin Diagnosis
provided by INOTAXA archive
prosterno, pectore, prothorace in medio elytrisque ad summam basin nigricantibus.
- license
- cc-by-3.0
- copyright
- Biologia Centrali-Americana
Physical description
provided by INOTAXA archive
Antennæ flavous, rather short, the club with each joint narrowed to the base, the terminal joint a good deal shorter than the tenth. Rostrum very short, not so long as the head; eyes very large, but little separated, placed near to the thorax, the space between them very densely punctate. Thorax very slender, conico-cylindric, extremely densely punctate, quite dull. Elytra with deep broad striæ, which are closely and coarsely punctate. Legs rather short, quite pale; middle tibiæ of the male distinctly curvate. The four specimens obtained are possibly all males. The Mexican insect will probably prove to be a distinct species, but only one specimen has been received of it.
- license
- cc-by-3.0
- copyright
- Biologia Centrali-Americana
Physical description
provided by INOTAXA archive
Var. ? prosterno, pectore, prothorace in medio elytrisque ad summam basin nigricantibus.
Sharp in: David Sharp & G. C. Champion, May 1889. Biol. Centr.-Amer.,Coleoptera, vol. 4, pt. 3: 40.
- license
- cc-by-3.0
- copyright
- Biologia Centrali-Americana