Belus pictirostris Lea 1908
Zimmerman (1994) provided illustrations of adult weevils as well as male and female terminalia. He referred this species to the genus Rhinotia based on genital morphology.
Legalov (2009) created the new genus Tasmanobelus for this species, noting that "The new genus is similar to genus Pascoebelus but differs in the slightly elongated apex of elytra."
Pale testaceous brown; head more or less black, rostrum black except at sides and base, prothorax more or less infuscate in middle, elytra and abdomen sometimes with infuscate spots, tarsi more or less infuscate. Upper surfnce rather densely, but not uniformely clothed with stramineous pubescence. Lower surface with denser (very dense on sides of sterna) and paler pubescence, but leaving a nude spot on each side of each of the abdominal segments, a narrow spot on each side of mesosternum, where its side piece commences, and a very narrow spot on the side-piece itself.
Head with dense partially concealed punctures. Rostrum thin, distinctly longer than prothorax, slightly inflated at insertion of antennae, behind which the punctures are dense and rather coarse but partially concealed, elsewhere with small punctures, becoming very small towards apex. Antennae thin, first joint slightly shorter than third, eleventh subequal to ninth and tenth combined. Prothorax rathor strongly inflated towards base, and distinctly constricted near apex, median channel rather feeble; with dense, partially concealed granules. Scutellum moderately transverse. Elytra distinctly wider than prothorax, flattened but not depressed along suture, each separately strongly rounded at base, apex obliquely narrowed on each side and passing abdomen for less than the length of its apical segment; densely granulate. Under surface with dense but more or less concealed punctures; femora with two minute teeth placed transversely near apex, front pair rather stout, hind pair extending to apex of second segment; front tibiae strongly, tho others feebly denticulare below; basal joint of front tarsi rather more inflated than usual. Length 9,5-11 mill.
Hab.: Tasmania (Belgian Museum), Hobart (H. H. D. GRIFFITH), Eag!ehawk Neck (H. J. CARTER).
The spots of the derm of both prothorax and abdomen are sometimes absent, but occasionally are almost black; they are generally more or less concealed by the clothing. The two colours og the rostrum are quite sharply defined from the sides. On the elytra the clothing is mostly distributed in large irregular spots, but these are not conspicuous owing to the similarity of their colour to the derm on which they rest. The eyes do not appear to be specially margined, although the pubescence about them is denser than on the rest of lhe head. The nude spots on the abdomen are not very conspicuous, and are usually absont grom the apical segment. The scrobes are very shallow and iII-defined. The derm of the elytra appears to be feebly depressed, and with fewer granules beneath the spots of pubescence, and some or these being feebly joined together, cause a feeble longitudinal depression in the middle of each.
In general appearance much like Grayi. but there is no hump behind tho scutellum. In some respects it agrees with the description of irroratus, but the clothing is very different.