Figures 1–4.Morphogenia struhli sp. n. holotype male. 1 dorsal habitus 2 head, lateral view, with position of vertexal fovea (VF) indicated at dorsal extreme of postantennal notch (region enclosed by dashed line) 3 head venter showing gular fovea (GF). Note the absence of a gular carina 4 right antenna, dorsal view.
Figures 16–19.Sexual dimorphism in head morphology 16 male head, lateral view 17 female head, lateral view 18 male head dorsal view 19 female head dorsal view. Arrows in 18 and 19 indicate extent of the antennal club.
Figures 5–15.Diagnostic characters of Morphogenia struhli sp. n. 5 compound micrograph of male head showing anterolaterally shifted vertexal fovea (VF) and apodemes of the tentorium 6 male pronotum with antebasal sulcus (AS) and lateral antebasal fovea (LAF) indicated 7 male dorsal abdominal segments showing absence of fovea-like cuticular pockets at the bases of tergites V–VII 8 male left protarsus with tarsomeres indicated. A magnified portion of the ventral face of tarsomere II shows the large spines of possible raptorial function 9 male left metatarsus with tarsomeres indicated. Note that tarsi in 8 and 9 are to the same scale. 10 male left hind tarsal claw, with arrow indicating internal spike 11 male tergite VIII 12 male sternite VIII 13 dorsal view of aedeagus 14 female tergite VIII 15 female sternite VIII. In 11–15 all structures are orientated with anterior to the top.