Figure 3.Tergites and sternites of Dysanabatium jacobsoni. A–C female tergite VIII D–F female sternite VIII G–H female tergites IX–X. I male sternite VII J–L male tergite VIII M–P male sternite VIII. Scales: 0.5 mm.
Figure 4.Aedeagus of Dysanabatium jacobsoni. A aedeagus in ventral view B–F aedeagus in lateral view (A–C Yunnan; D Guangxi; E–F Hainan). Scales: 0.5 mm.
Figure 6.Distribution of Dysanabatium jacobsoni in the Oriental and southern East Palaearctic regions (filled circles: examined records; open circles: records from Rougemont (1997)).