
Brief Summary

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Diceroprocta swalei davisi is known from Arizona (U.S.A.) (Sanborn & Phillips 2013).

Diceroprocta swalei includes two subspecies, D. swalei swalei and D. swalei davisi. Both subspecies are found mainly in Arizona (U.S.A.), although the known range of D. swalei swalei extends into Mexico. Both subspecies are found in the Mexican Highlands Section of the Basin and Range Province. Sanborn & Phillips (2013) found D. swalei swalei calling from Acacia spp. and mesquite (Prosopis spp.) and it has also been associated with ocotillo (Fouquieria splendens), Baccharis spp. and catclaw (Acacia greggii Gray). Sanborn & Phillips (2013) suggest that the named subspecies may simply represent color variation and that further analyses should be performed to determine the status of these subspecies. (Sanborn & Phillips 2013)

Leo Shapiro
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