Description of Cylindrospora
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Description based on C. fasciculata, in the fat body of larvae of Macropelopia sp. (Diptera, Chironomidae); onomorphic, diplokaryotic and monokaryotic; merogony takes place in a parasitophorous vacuole of host cell origin; diplokaryotic merogonial plasmodia produce a small number of spherical merozoites by plasmotomy; sporogony in fragile sporophorous vesicles in which 8 spores, are produced in closely packed bundles; spores are uninucleate, long and narrow, straight or slightly bent rods at least 10 times as long as wide; polaroplast weakly developed, with anterior closely packed lamellae and posterior, widely spaced lamellae; polar tube is strongly reduced, isofilar and uncoiled; type species C. chironomi from Chironomus plumosus.