Old World Sail-fish, Histiophorus gladius. Outline from figure in Cuvier & Valenciennes' Historie Naturelle des Poissons
American Sail-fish,m Histiophorus americanus. Drawing by H. L. Todd, from cast of specimen taken near Newport, R. I. Preserved in the National Museum
Swordfish (Tetraplurus), yellow-fin tuna, and yellowtail, caught with rod and reel at Santa Catalina Island.
Young of Sail-Fish, Histiop;horus immaculatus, 18 inches long. Fac simile of figure in Transactions of Zoological Society, London
Skeleton of the Sail-Fish, Histiophorus americanus. From the somewhat imperfect specimen in the National Museum
Japanese Sail-fish, Histiophorus orientalis. Outline from figure in Temmick & Schlegel's Fauna Japonica
Histiophorus pulchellus.
Young of Sail-Fish, Histiophorus pulchellus, 4 inches long. Fac simile of figure in Cuvier & Valenciennes' Histoire Naturelle des Poissons