Kyø Skov, Himmerland, Danmark
Lille Vildmose
Asker, Akershus, Norge
Bielsko-Biala, Polen
Scaphytopius elegans, head, pronotum, and mesonotum, dorsally (Oman, P. W. 1949, The Nearctic leafhoppers (Homoptera: Cicadellidae). A generic classification and check list. Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Washington. 3:1-253.)
Lars G. Crabo, Melanie Davis, Paul Hammond, Tomas Mustelin, Jon Shepard
Figures 1–20.Adults of Erebidae and Noctuidae. 1 Cycnia oregonensis tristis Crabo, male paratype, WA, Thurston Co., Plumb 2 Cycnia oregonensis oregonensis (Stretch), male, Canada, BC, 5 mi W of Nelson 3 Drasteria parallela Crabo & Mustelin, male paratype, WA, Chelan Co., Chumstick Mountain 4 Drasteria convergens Mustelin, male, CA, Mono Co., Lee Vining 5 Drasteria divergens (Behr), male, WA, Garfield Co., FR40 at Sunset Point 6 Eudryas brevipennis bonneville Shepard & Crabo, female paratype, ID, [Gooding Co.], Wendell 7 Eudryas brevipennis brevipennis Stretch, male, USA, CA, [Riverside Co.], Riverside 8 Eudryas unio (Hübner), male, USA, MA, Norfolk Co., Ponkapoag Bog 9 Resapamea diluvius Crabo, male paratype, WA, Grant Co., Potholes 10 Resapamea diluvius Crabo, female paratype, WA, Grant Co., Potholes 11 Resapamea diluvius Crabo, female paratype, WA, Adams Co., Washtucna 12 Resapamea passer (Guenée), male, Canada, SK, 2 mi N Burstall 13 Resapamea passer (Guenée), male, USA, WA, Island Co., Joseph Whidbey State Park 14 Resapamea passer (Guenée), female, USA, Douglas Co., Badger Mountain 15 Resapamea angelika Crabo, male holotype, USA, NV, Elko Co., Angel Lake 16 Resapamea innota (Smith), male, USA, OR, Lake Co., Bull Prairie 17 Resapamea mammuthus Crabo, male holotype, Canada, YT, Old Crow 18 Resapamea hedeni (Graeser), male, Russia, Magadan Oblast, Tenkinsky District, Stokovyi 19 Resapamea species, possibly Resapamea hedeni, female, USA, AK, Unalakleet 20 Resapamea species, possibly Resapamea mammuthus, female, Canada, NWT, Aklavik.
Menno Reemer, Gunilla Ståhls
Figures 128–135.Figures 128–129. Kryptopyga sulawesiana male (holotype): 128 head frontal 129 wing 130–131 Kryptopyga, male genitalia 130 Kryptopyga pendulosa (holotype) 131 Kryptopyga sulawesiana (holotype) 132–134 Laetodon violens male (Jamaica, coll. RMNH): 132 habitus dorsal 133 habitus lateral 134 head frontal 135 Laetodon laetus male (USA, Georgia, coll. RMNH), genitalia lateral.
Figures 1–5.Type specimens in Thunberg’s collection 1 Apion limbatum Thunberg, 1813, lectotype male, dorsal view 2 Apion limbatum Thunberg, 1813, lectotype male, lateral view 3 Apion astragali Thunberg, 1815, lectotype male, dorsolateral view 4 Apion punctigerum Thunberg, 1815, lectotype, dorsolateral view 5 Apion sanguineum Thunberg, 1815, syntype, dorsal view.
Aaron D. Smith, Rebecca Dornburg, Quentin D. Wheeler
Figure 4.Lateral habitus of three Eleodes species: A Eleodes (Blapylis) nigropilosus B Eleodes (Caverneleodes) wheeleri C Eleodes (Eleodes) armatus. Scale bar = 5 mm.
California Academy of Sciences
Closeup dorsal view of Specimen CASENT0172341 from AntWeb. (Austroponera castanea)
California Academy of Sciences
Closeup dorsal view of Specimen CASENT0104486 from AntWeb. (Strumigenys rostrata)
Kyø Skov, Himmerland, Danmark
Lille Vildmose
Bielsko-Biala, Polen
Scaphytopius elegans, head, laterally (Oman, P. W. 1949, The Nearctic leafhoppers (Homoptera: Cicadellidae). A generic classification and check list. Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Washington. 3:1-253.)
Lars G. Crabo, Melanie Davis, Paul Hammond, Tomas Mustelin, Jon Shepard
Figures 32–37.Male genitalia of Erebidae and Noctuidae. Ventral or right aspect of aedeagus is shown. 32 Cycnia oregonensis tristis Crabo, paratype, USA, WA, Thurston Co., Plumb (ventral aspect) 33 Drasteria parallela Crabo & Mustelin, paratype, USA, WA, Klickitat Co., Simcoe Butte 34 Drasteria convergens Mustelin, USA, CA, Mono Co., Lee Vining 35 Drasteria divergens (Behr), USA, OR, Baker Co., Burnt River Canyon 36 Eudryas brevipennis bonneville Shepard & Crabo, paratype, USA, ID, Twin Falls Co., Buhl 37 Eudryas unio (Hübner), USA, MA, Norfolk Co., Ponkapoag Bog.
Figures 1–5.Type specimens in Thunberg’s collection 1 Apion limbatum Thunberg, 1813, lectotype male, dorsal view 2 Apion limbatum Thunberg, 1813, lectotype male, lateral view 3 Apion astragali Thunberg, 1815, lectotype male, dorsolateral view 4 Apion punctigerum Thunberg, 1815, lectotype, dorsolateral view 5 Apion sanguineum Thunberg, 1815, syntype, dorsal view.
Aaron D. Smith, Rebecca Dornburg, Quentin D. Wheeler
Figure 2.Dorsal habitus of four Eleodes species: A Eleodes (Caverneleodes) wheeleri; B Eleodes (Eleodes) armatus C Eleodes (Eleodes) caudiferus D Eleodes (Eleodes) tribulus. Scale bar = 5 mm.
California Academy of Sciences
Closeup head view of Specimen CASENT0172341 from AntWeb. (Austroponera castanea)
California Academy of Sciences
Closeup head view of Specimen CASENT0104486 from AntWeb. (Strumigenys rostrata)
Lille Vildmose
Bielsko-Biala, Polen