Description: Holothurian on a rock. Most likely identification is Synallactes horridus:
It seems to have 4 rows of dorsal papillae, a row of larger papillae laterally and a row of smaller tubefeet ventrolaterally. Mid ventral tubefeet presence/absence unknown.
Synallactes horridus and S. Laguardai are known from the area.
For the locality in the Indian Ocean, Off Mozambique and the depth (600m) Synallactes horridus Koehler and Vaney, 1905 is known from a specimen collected at 975m depth. The appendages are closer to the description, but the ossicles are needed in order to corroborate 100% the species.
Item Type: Image Title: Holothurian from Mozambique Copyright: SERPENT Project Species: Synallactes sp. Site: Indian -- Indian Ocean -- East Africa -- Cachalote Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): 660 Countries: East Africa -- Mozambique Rig: Discoverer Americas Project Partners: Oceaneering ROV: Oceaneering Deposited By: Dr Daniel Jones Deposited On: 13 August 2014