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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
Ceratobium mosaic virus
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Ceratobium mosaic virus
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV)
Ceratobium mosaic virus
Species recognized by
GBIF classification
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
, and
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Alternative Names
Ceratobium mosaic potyvirus
Synonym according to
Common Names
There are no common names associated with this taxon.
Curated hierarchies for Ceratobium mosaic virus
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Ceratobium mosaic virus
(this page)
Algerian watermelon mosaic virus
Alstroemeria mosaic virus
Alternanthera mild mosaic virus
Amazon lily mosaic virus
Angelica virus Y
Apium virus Y
Araujia mosaic virus
Arracacha mottle virus
Banana bract mosaic virus
Barbacena virus Y
Bean yellow mosaic virus
Beet mosaic virus
Bidens mosaic virus
Bidens mottle virus
Blue squill virus A
Brugmansia mosaic virus
Brugmansia suaveolens mottle virus
Calanthe mild mosaic virus
Canna yellow streak virus
Carnation vein mottle virus
Catharanthus mosaic virus
Chilli veinal mottle virus
Clover yellow vein virus
Cocksfoot streak virus
Commelina mosaic virus
Cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus
Cyrtanthus elatus virus A
Daphne mosaic virus
Daphne virus Y
Dasheen mosaic virus
Diuris virus Y
East Asian Passiflora virus
Euphorbia ringspot virus
Freesia mosaic virus
Fritillary virus Y
Habenaria mosaic virus
Hippeastrum mosaic virus
Impatiens flower break virus
Iris mild mosaic virus
Jasmine virus T
Kalanchoe mosaic virus
Leek yellow stripe virus
Lettuce Italian necrotic virus
Lettuce mosaic virus
Lily mottle virus
Lupinus mosaic virus
Lycoris mild mottle virus
Maize dwarf mosaic virus
Malva vein clearing virus
Meadow saffron breaking virus
Ornithogalum mosaic virus
Ornithogalum virus 2
Ornithogalum virus 3
Papaya leaf distortion mosaic virus
Parsnip mosaic virus
Passiflora chlorosis virus
Passion fruit woodiness virus
Pea seed-borne mosaic virus
Pennisetum mosaic virus
Pepper mottle virus
Pepper severe mosaic virus
Peru tomato mosaic virus
Pfaffia mosaic virus
Pleione virus Y
Plum pox virus
Pokeweed mosaic virus
Potato virus A
Potato virus V
Ranunculus mild mosaic virus
Ranunculus mosaic virus
Rhopalanthe virus Y
Scallion mosaic virus
Shallot yellow stripe virus
Sorghum mosaic virus
Sugarcane mosaic virus
Sunflower chlorotic mottle virus
Sunflower mosaic virus
Sunflower ring blotch virus
Sweet potato feathery mottle virus
Sweet potato latent virus
Sweet potato virus G
Tobacco mosqueado virus
Tuberose mild mosaic virus
Tulip breaking virus
Tulip mosaic virus
Turnip mosaic virus
Twisted-stalk chlorotic streak virus
Vanilla distortion mosaic virus
Verbena virus Y
Watermelon leaf mottle virus
Wild onion symptomless virus
Wild potato mosaic virus
Wild tomato mosaic virus
Wisteria vein mosaic virus
Yam mosaic virus
Yambean mosaic virus
Zantedeschia mild mosaic virus
Zea mosaic virus
Zucchini yellow fleck virus
Zucchini yellow mosaic virus
82 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Ceratobium mosaic virus
(this page)
African eggplant mosaic virus
Algerian watermelon mosaic virus
Alstroemeria mosaic virus
Amazon lily mosaic virus
Angelica virus Y
Arracacha mottle virus
Asparagus virus 1
Basella rugose mosaic virus
Bidens mosaic virus
Bidens mottle virus
Carnation vein mottle virus
Carrot thin leaf virus
Carrot virus Y
Chilli ringspot virus
Chinese artichoke mosaic virus
Cypripedium virus Y
Cyrtanthus elatus virus A
Daphne mosaic virus
Daphne virus Y
Dasheen mosaic virus
Dendrobium chlorotic mosaic virus
Diuris virus Y
East Asian Passiflora virus
Endive necrotic mosaic virus
Euphorbia ringspot virus
Gloriosa stripe mosaic virus
Gomphocarpus mosaic virus
Habenaria mosaic virus
Hardenbergia mosaic virus
Hibbertia virus Y
Hippeastrum mosaic virus
Hyacinth mosaic virus
Impatiens flower break virus
Iris fulva mosaic virus
Iris mild mosaic virus
Iris severe mosaic virus
Jasmine virus T
Johnsongrass mosaic virus
Kalanchoe mosaic virus
Keunjorong mosaic virus
Lupinus mosaic virus
Lycoris mild mottle virus
Maize dwarf mosaic virus
Mashua virus Y
Meadow saffron breaking virus
Mediterranean ruda virus
Narcissus degeneration virus
Narcissus late season yellows virus
Narcissus yellow stripe virus
Onion yellow dwarf virus
Panax virus Y
Papaya leaf distortion mosaic virus
Papaya ringspot virus
Paris mosaic necrosis virus
Passion fruit woodiness virus
Platycodon mild mottle virus
Pleione virus Y
Plum pox virus
Pokeweed mosaic virus
Potato virus V
Potato virus Y
Potato yellow blotch virus
Ranunculus leaf distortion virus
Ranunculus mild mosaic virus
Ranunculus mosaic virus
Rhopalanthe virus Y
Saffron latent virus
Shallot yellow stripe virus
Soybean mosaic virus
Sweet potato feathery mottle virus
Sweet potato latent virus
Sweet potato mild speckling virus
Sweet potato virus 2
Sweet potato virus C
Sweet potato virus G
Tamarillo leaf malformation virus
Telfairia mosaic virus
Telosma mosaic virus
Tuberose mild mosaic virus
Tuberose mild mottle virus
Tulip breaking virus
Tulip mosaic virus
Turnip mosaic virus
Twisted-stalk chlorotic streak virus
Verbena virus Y
Watermelon leaf mottle virus
Watermelon mosaic virus
Wild melon banding virus
Wild onion symptomless virus
Wild potato mosaic virus
Wild tomato mosaic virus
Wisteria vein mosaic virus
Yam mild mosaic virus
Yam mosaic virus
Yambean mosaic virus
Zea mosaic virus
Zucchini shoestring virus
Zucchini tigre mosaic virus
Zucchini yellow fleck virus
Zucchini yellow mosaic virus
89 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Ceratobium mosaic virus
(this page)
Algerian watermelon mosaic virus
Alstroemeria mosaic virus
Alternanthera mild mosaic virus
Amazon lily mosaic virus
Angelica virus Y
Apium virus Y
Araujia mosaic virus
Arracacha mottle virus
Banana bract mosaic virus
Barbacena virus Y
Bean yellow mosaic virus
Beet mosaic virus
Bidens mosaic virus
Bidens mottle virus
Blue squill virus A
Brugmansia mosaic virus
Brugmansia suaveolens mottle virus
Calanthe mild mosaic virus
Canna yellow streak virus
Carnation vein mottle virus
Catharanthus mosaic virus
Chilli veinal mottle virus
Clover yellow vein virus
Cocksfoot streak virus
Commelina mosaic virus
Cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus
Cyrtanthus elatus virus A
Daphne mosaic virus
Daphne virus Y
Dasheen mosaic virus
Diuris virus Y
East Asian Passiflora virus
Euphorbia ringspot virus
Freesia mosaic virus
Fritillary virus Y
Habenaria mosaic virus
Hippeastrum mosaic virus
Impatiens flower break virus
Iris mild mosaic virus
Jasmine virus T
Kalanchoe mosaic virus
Leek yellow stripe virus
Lettuce Italian necrotic virus
Lettuce mosaic virus
Lily mottle virus
Lupinus mosaic virus
Lycoris mild mottle virus
Maize dwarf mosaic virus
Malva vein clearing virus
Meadow saffron breaking virus
Ornithogalum mosaic virus
Ornithogalum virus 2
Ornithogalum virus 3
Papaya leaf distortion mosaic virus
Parsnip mosaic virus
Passiflora chlorosis virus
Passion fruit woodiness virus
Pea seed-borne mosaic virus
Pennisetum mosaic virus
Pepper mottle virus
Pepper severe mosaic virus
Peru tomato mosaic virus
Pfaffia mosaic virus
Pleione virus Y
Plum pox virus
Pokeweed mosaic virus
Potato virus A
Potato virus V
Ranunculus mild mosaic virus
Ranunculus mosaic virus
Rhopalanthe virus Y
Scallion mosaic virus
Shallot yellow stripe virus
Sorghum mosaic virus
Sugarcane mosaic virus
Sunflower chlorotic mottle virus
Sunflower mosaic virus
Sunflower ring blotch virus
Sweet potato feathery mottle virus
Sweet potato latent virus
Sweet potato virus G
Tobacco mosqueado virus
Tuberose mild mosaic virus
Tulip breaking virus
Tulip mosaic virus
Turnip mosaic virus
Twisted-stalk chlorotic streak virus
Vanilla distortion mosaic virus
Verbena virus Y
Watermelon leaf mottle virus
Wild onion symptomless virus
Wild potato mosaic virus
Wild tomato mosaic virus
Wisteria vein mosaic virus
Yam mosaic virus
Yambean mosaic virus
Zantedeschia mild mosaic virus
Zea mosaic virus
Zucchini yellow fleck virus
Zucchini yellow mosaic virus
82 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Ceratobium mosaic virus
(this page)
Algerian watermelon mosaic virus
Alstroemeria mosaic virus
Alternanthera mild mosaic virus
Amazon lily mosaic virus
Angelica virus Y
Apium virus Y
Araujia mosaic virus
Arracacha mottle virus
Banana bract mosaic virus
Barbacena virus Y
Bean yellow mosaic virus
Beet mosaic virus
Bidens mosaic virus
Bidens mottle virus
Blue squill virus A
Brugmansia mosaic virus
Brugmansia suaveolens mottle virus
Calanthe mild mosaic virus
Canna yellow streak virus
Carnation vein mottle virus
Catharanthus mosaic virus
Chilli veinal mottle virus
Clover yellow vein virus
Cocksfoot streak virus
Commelina mosaic virus
Cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus
Cyrtanthus elatus virus A
Daphne mosaic virus
Daphne virus Y
Dasheen mosaic virus
Diuris virus Y
East Asian Passiflora virus
Euphorbia ringspot virus
Freesia mosaic virus
Fritillary virus Y
Habenaria mosaic virus
Hippeastrum mosaic virus
Impatiens flower break virus
Iris mild mosaic virus
Jasmine virus T
Kalanchoe mosaic virus
Leek yellow stripe virus
Lettuce Italian necrotic virus
Lettuce mosaic virus
Lily mottle virus
Lupinus mosaic virus
Lycoris mild mottle virus
Maize dwarf mosaic virus
Malva vein clearing virus
Meadow saffron breaking virus
Ornithogalum mosaic virus
Ornithogalum virus 2
Ornithogalum virus 3
Papaya leaf distortion mosaic virus
Parsnip mosaic virus
Passiflora chlorosis virus
Passion fruit woodiness virus
Pea seed-borne mosaic virus
Pennisetum mosaic virus
Pepper mottle virus
Pepper severe mosaic virus
Peru tomato mosaic virus
Pfaffia mosaic virus
Pleione virus Y
Plum pox virus
Pokeweed mosaic virus
Potato virus A
Potato virus V
Ranunculus mild mosaic virus
Ranunculus mosaic virus
Rhopalanthe virus Y
Scallion mosaic virus
Shallot yellow stripe virus
Sorghum mosaic virus
Sugarcane mosaic virus
Sunflower chlorotic mottle virus
Sunflower mosaic virus
Sunflower ring blotch virus
Sweet potato feathery mottle virus
Sweet potato latent virus
Sweet potato virus G
Tobacco mosqueado virus
Tuberose mild mosaic virus
Tulip breaking virus
Tulip mosaic virus
Turnip mosaic virus
Twisted-stalk chlorotic streak virus
Vanilla distortion mosaic virus
Verbena virus Y
Watermelon leaf mottle virus
Wild onion symptomless virus
Wild potato mosaic virus
Wild tomato mosaic virus
Wisteria vein mosaic virus
Yam mosaic virus
Yambean mosaic virus
Zantedeschia mild mosaic virus
Zea mosaic virus
Zucchini yellow fleck virus
Zucchini yellow mosaic virus
82 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
GBIF classification
Ceratobium mosaic virus
(this page)
Amazon lily mosaic virus
Angelica virus Y
Araujia mosaic virus
Arracacha mottle virus
Asparagus virus 1
Barbacena virus Y
Basella rugose mosaic virus
Bean common mosaic necrosis virus
Bean common mosaic virus
Bean yellow mosaic virus
Beet mosaic virus
Bidens mottle virus
Brugmansia mosaic virus
Brugmansia suaveolens mottle virus
Butterfly flower mosaic virus
Calanthe mild mosaic virus
Carnation vein mottle virus
Carrot thin leaf virus
Catharanthus mosaic virus
Chilli ringspot virus
Chinese artichoke mosaic virus
Clover yellow vein virus
Cocksfoot streak virus
Colombian datura virus
Commelina mosaic virus
Cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus
Cypripedium virus Y
Daphne mosaic virus
Daphne virus Y
East Asian Passiflora virus
Endive necrotic mosaic virus
Euphorbia ringspot virus
Freesia mosaic virus
Gloriosa stripe mosaic virus
Hardenbergia mosaic virus
Hibbertia virus Y
Hippeastrum mosaic virus
Impatiens flower break virus
Iris severe mosaic virus
Jasmine virus T
Johnsongrass mosaic virus
Konjac mosaic virus
Leek yellow stripe virus
Lily mottle virus
Lupinus mosaic virus
Maize dwarf mosaic virus
Meadow saffron breaking virus
Moroccan watermelon mosaic virus
Narcissus late season yellows virus
Nerine yellow stripe virus
Nothoscordum mosaic virus
Ornithogalum virus 2
Ornithogalum virus 3
Panax virus Y
Papaya ringspot virus
Parsnip mosaic virus
Passiflora chlorosis virus
Pea seed-borne mosaic virus
Pennisetum mosaic virus
Pepper mottle virus
Pepper severe mosaic virus
Pepper veinal mottle virus
Peru tomato mosaic virus
Pleione virus Y
Plum pox virus
Potato virus A
Potato virus V
Potato virus Y
Ranunculus leaf distortion virus
Ranunculus mosaic virus
Rhopalanthe virus Y
Scallion mosaic virus
Shallot yellow stripe virus
Soybean mosaic virus
Sunflower chlorotic mottle virus
Sunflower mild mosaic virus
Sunflower mosaic virus
Sweet potato feathery mottle virus
Sweet potato latent virus
Sweet potato mild speckling virus
Sweet potato virus G
Thunberg fritillary mosaic virus
Tobacco etch virus
Tobacco mosqueado virus
Tuberose mild mottle virus
Tulip breaking virus
Tulip mosaic virus
Twisted-stalk chlorotic streak virus
Vanilla distortion mosaic virus
Verbena virus Y
Wild onion symptomless virus
Wild potato mosaic virus
Wisteria vein mosaic virus
Yam mild mosaic virus
Yam mosaic virus
Yambean mosaic virus
Zucchini shoestring virus
Zucchini tigre mosaic virus
Zucchini yellow fleck virus
Zucchini yellow mosaic virus
67 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Ceratobium mosaic virus
(this page)
African eggplant mosaic virus
Alstroemeria mosaic virus
Amaranthus leaf mottle virus
Amazon lily mosaic virus
Apium virus Y
Barbacena virus Y
Bean common mosaic virus
Bean yellow mosaic virus
Beet mosaic virus
Bidens mosaic virus
Blue squill virus A
Brugmansia mosaic virus
Calla lily latent virus
Callistephus mottle virus
Carrot thin leaf virus
Carrot virus Y
Celery mosaic virus
Chinese artichoke mosaic virus
Clitoria virus Y
Clover yellow vein virus
Cocksfoot streak virus
Cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus
Cucurbit vein banding virus
Cypripedium virus Y
Daphne virus Y
Dasheen mosaic virus
Diuris virus Y
Donkey orchid virus A
Euphorbia ringspot virus
Gloriosa stripe mosaic virus
Habenaria mosaic virus
Hibbertia virus Y
Impatiens flower break virus
Iris mild mosaic virus
Jasmine virus T
Johnsongrass mosaic virus
Keunjorong mosaic virus
Konjac mosaic virus
Lettuce Italian necrotic virus
Lettuce mosaic virus
Lycoris mild mottle virus
Maize dwarf mosaic virus
Meadow saffron breaking virus
Mediterranean ruda virus
Moroccan watermelon mosaic virus
Narcissus late season yellows virus
Narcissus yellow stripe virus
Ornithogalum mosaic virus
Ornithogalum virus 2
Ornithogalum virus 3
Papaya ringspot virus
Paris mosaic necrosis virus
Passion fruit woodiness virus
Pea seed-borne mosaic virus
Pecan mosaic-associated virus
Pennisetum mosaic virus
Pepper mottle virus
Pepper severe mosaic virus
Pepper veinal mottle virus
Pepper yellow mosaic virus
Peru tomato mosaic virus
Pfaffia mosaic virus
Pleione virus Y
Plum pox virus
Pokeweed mosaic virus
Potato virus A
Potato virus Y
Rhopalanthe virus Y
Saffron latent virus
Sarcochilus virus Y
Scallion mosaic virus
Soybean mosaic virus
Spiranthes mosaic virus 3
Sudan watermelon mosaic virus
Sugarcane mosaic virus
Sunflower chlorotic mottle virus
Sunflower mosaic virus
Sunflower ring blotch virus
Sweet potato feathery mottle virus
Sweet potato latent virus
Telfairia mosaic virus
Thunberg fritillary mosaic virus
Tobacco etch virus
Tobacco mosqueado virus
Tobacco vein mottling virus
Tomato necrotic stunt virus
Tradescantia mild mosaic virus
Tuberose mild mosaic virus
Tuberose mild mottle virus
Tulip breaking virus
Turnip mosaic virus
Watermelon mosaic virus
Wild onion symptomless virus
Wild potato mosaic virus
Wisteria vein mosaic virus
Zantedeschia mild mosaic virus
Zea mosaic virus
Zucchini shoestring virus
Zucchini tigre mosaic virus
Zucchini yellow mosaic virus
69 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Ceratobium mosaic virus
(this page)
Algerian watermelon mosaic virus
Alstroemeria mosaic virus
Alternanthera mild mosaic virus
Amaranthus leaf mottle virus
Amazon lily mosaic virus
Angelica virus Y
Araujia mosaic virus
Arracacha mottle virus
Artichoke latent virus
Basella rugose mosaic virus
Bean common mosaic necrosis virus
Bean common mosaic virus
Begonia flower breaking virus
Brugmansia suaveolens mottle virus
Butterfly flower mosaic virus
Calanthe mild mosaic virus
Canna yellow streak virus
Carrot virus Y
Chilli ringspot virus
Chinese artichoke mosaic virus
Clitoria virus Y
Cocksfoot streak virus
Colombian datura virus
Costus stripe mosaic virus
Cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus
Cowpea green vein banding virus
Cypripedium virus Y
Daphne mosaic virus
Dasheen mosaic virus
Datura shoestring virus
Diuris virus Y
East Asian Passiflora virus
Endive necrotic mosaic virus
Euphorbia ringspot virus
Freesia mosaic virus
Fritillary virus Y
Gloriosa stripe mosaic virus
Hardenbergia mosaic virus
Helenium virus Y
Henbane mosaic virus
Hibbertia virus Y
Hippeastrum mosaic virus
Hyacinth mosaic virus
Iris fulva mosaic virus
Iris mild mosaic virus
Iris severe mosaic virus
Japanese yam mosaic virus
Konjac mosaic virus
Leek yellow stripe virus
Lily mottle virus
Lycoris mild mottle virus
Meadow saffron breaking virus
Moroccan watermelon mosaic virus
Narcissus degeneration virus
Narcissus late season yellows virus
Narcissus yellow stripe virus
Nerine yellow stripe virus
Noni mosaic virus
Nothoscordum mosaic virus
Onion yellow dwarf virus
Ornithogalum mosaic virus
Ornithogalum virus 2
Ornithogalum virus 3
Papaya leaf distortion mosaic virus
Paris virus 1
Parsnip mosaic virus
Passiflora chlorosis virus
Passiflora mottle virus
Pennisetum mosaic virus
Pepper severe mosaic virus
Pepper veinal mottle virus
Pepper yellow mosaic virus
Peru tomato mosaic virus
Pfaffia mosaic virus
Pleione flower breaking virus
Pleione virus Y
Plum pox virus
Pokeweed mosaic virus
Ranunculus leaf distortion virus
Ranunculus mild mosaic virus
Ranunculus mosaic virus
Rhopalanthe virus Y
Sarcochilus virus Y
Scallion mosaic virus
Shallot yellow stripe virus
Spiranthes mosaic virus 3
Sunflower chlorotic mottle virus
Sunflower mosaic virus
Sweet potato virus 2
Sweet potato virus C
Sweet potato virus G
Telfairia mosaic virus
Telosma mosaic virus
Thunberg fritillary mosaic virus
Tobacco vein banding mosaic virus
Tradescantia mild mosaic virus
Tropaeolum mosaic virus
Tulip breaking virus
Turnip mosaic virus
Ugandan passiflora virus
107 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.