Pyrausta obfuscata is a species of moth in the family Crambidae. It is found from Spain to Belgium and from France to the Balkan Peninsula, Ukraine and Russia.[1]
Adults are on wing in July and August in one generation per year. They are active during the daytime on sunny days.[2]
The larvae feed on Inula conyzae.[3]
Pyrausta obfuscata is a species of moth in the family Crambidae. It is found from Spain to Belgium and from France to the Balkan Peninsula, Ukraine and Russia.
Adults are on wing in July and August in one generation per year. They are active during the daytime on sunny days.
The larvae feed on Inula conyzae.
Pyrausta obfuscata is een vlinder uit de familie grasmotten (Crambidae). De wetenschappelijke naam is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1763 door Scopoli.
De soort komt voor in Europa.
Bronnen, noten en/of referentiesPyrausta obfuscata là một loài bướm đêm trong họ Crambidae.[2][3]