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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
Protea Family
Cellular Organisms
Green Plants
Seed Plants
Protea Family
Narrowleaf Protea
Protea neriifolia R. Br.
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Protea neriifolia R. Br.
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Protea neriifolia
Species recognized by
wikipedia NL
Australia Species List
New Zealand Species List
South Africa Species List
Spain Species List
Sweden Species List
Indian Ocean Species List
North Pacific Species List
South Atlantic Species List
wikipedia AZ
wikipedia NN
, and
United States Species List
Protea neriifolia
Recognized by
NBII images
Protea neriifolia
R. Br.
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
GBIF classification
Global Register of Introduced and Invasive Species
, and
GBIF national node type records Germany
Protea neriifolia
R. Br.
Recognized by
Flora of Zimbabwe
Protea neriifolia
Species recognized by
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
wikipedia ES
wikipedia EN
Wikidata Common Names
Wikimedia Commons
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Global Biotic Interactions
iNaturalist data coverage
Wikipedia (inferred records)
, and
TRY database summary
Protea neriifolia
Recognized by
Plant Forms, Habitat and Distribution
BHL data coverage
, and
Flickr Group
Protea neriifolia R. Br.
Species recognized by
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
GBIF data coverage
, and
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Alternative Names
Scolymocephalus neriifolius (R. Br.) Kuntze
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Scolymocephalus neriifolius
(R. Br.) Kuntze
Synonym according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Protea glauca H. Buek ex Meisn.
Ambiguous synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Scolymocephalus neriifolius (R. Br.) Kuntze
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Scolymocephalus neriifolius (R. Br.) Kuntze
Synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Common Names
Narrowleaf protea
Recognized by
بروطيا دفلية الأوراق
Recognized by
Wikidata Common Names
Recognized by
Wikidata Common Names
Curated hierarchies for Protea neriifolia R. Br.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Protea neriifolia R. Br.
(this page)
Protea acaulos (L.) Reich.
Protea acuminata Sims
Protea amplexicaulis (Salisb.) R. Br.
Protea angolensis Welw.
Protea angustata R. Br.
Protea argyrea Hauman
Protea aristata Phillips
Protea aspera Phillips
Protea asymmetrica Beard
Protea aurea (Burm. fil.) Rourke
Protea baumii Engl. & Gilg
Protea burchellii Stapf
Protea caespitosa Andr.
Protea caffra Meissn.
Protea compacta R. Br.
Protea comptonii Beard
Protea convexa Phillips
Protea cordata Thunb.
Protea coronata Lam.
Protea cryophila Bolus
Protea curvata N. E. Br.
Protea cynaroides (L.) L.
Protea decurrens Phillips
Protea dekindtiana Engl.
Protea denticulata Rourke
Protea dracomontana Beard
Protea effusa E. Mey. ex Meissn.
Protea enervis Wild
Protea eximia (Knight) Fourc.
Protea flavopilosa Beard
Protea foliosa Rourke
Protea gaguedi J. F. Gmel.
Protea glabra Thunb.
Protea grandiceps Tratt.
Protea holosericea (Salisb. ex Knight) Rourke
Protea humiflora Andr.
Protea humifusa J. S. Beard
Protea inopina J. P. Rourke
Protea intonsa Rourke
Protea inyanganiensis Beard
Protea kibarensis Hauman
Protea lacticolor Salisb.
Protea laetans L. E Davidson
Protea laevis R. Br.
Protea laurifolia Thunb.
Protea lepidocarpodendron (L.) L.
Protea linearifolia Engl.
Protea longifolia Andr.
Protea lorea R. Br.
Protea lorifolia (Salisb. ex Knight) Fourc.
Protea madiensis Engl.
Protea magnifica Andr.
Protea matonchiana S. M. Chisumpa & R. K. Brummitt
Protea micans Welw.
Protea minima Hauman
Protea montana E. Mey. ex Meissn.
Protea mucronifolia Salisb.
Protea namaquana J. P. Rourke
Protea nana (Berg.) Thunb.
Protea nitida Mill.
Protea nubigena J. P. Rourke
Protea obtusifolia Buek ex Meissn.
Protea ongotium Beard
Protea paludosa (Hiern.) Engler
Protea parvula Beard
Protea pendula R. Br.
Protea petiolaris (Engl. ex Hiern) Welw.
Protea piscina J. P. Rourke
Protea pityphylla Phillips
Protea poggei Engl.
Protea praticola Engl.
Protea pruinosa J. P. Rourke
Protea pudens J. P. Rourke
Protea punctata Meissn.
Protea recondita Buek ex Meissn.
Protea repens (L.) L.
Protea restionifolia (Salisb. ex Knight) Rycroft
Protea revoluta R. Br.
Protea roupelliae Meissn.
Protea rubrobracteata Engl.
Protea rubropilosa Beard
Protea rupestris R. E. Fries
Protea rupicola Mund ex Meissn.
Protea scabra R. Br.
Protea scabriuscula E. Phillips
Protea scolopendriifolia (Salisb. ex Knight) Rourke
Protea scolymocephala (L.) Reich.
Protea scorzonerifolia (Salisb. ex Knight) Rycroft
Protea simplex E. Phillips
Protea speciosa (L.) L.
Protea stokoei Phillips
Protea subulifolia (Salisb. ex Knight) Rourke
Protea subvestita N. E. Br.
Protea sulphurea Phillips
Protea susannae Phillips
Protea venusta Compton
Protea vogtsiae Rourke
Protea welwitschii Engl.
Protea wentzeliana Engl.
Protea witzenbergiana Phillips
6 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Proteales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl
Proteaceae Juss.
Proteoideae Eaton
Protea L.
Protea neriifolia R. Br.
(this page)
Protea acuminata Sims
Protea amplexicaulis (Salisb.) R. Br.
Protea angolensis Welw.
Protea angustata R. Br.
Protea argyrea Hauman
Protea aristata E. Phillips
Protea aspera E. Phillips
Protea asymmetrica Beard
Protea aurea (Burm. fil.) Rourke
Protea baumii Engl. & Gilg
Protea burchellii Stapf
Protea caespitosa Andrews
Protea caffra Meisn.
Protea canaliculata Andrews
Protea compacta R. Br.
Protea comptonii Beard
Protea convexa E. Phillips
Protea cordata Thunb.
Protea coronata Lam.
Protea cryophila Bolus
Protea curvata N. E. Br.
Protea cynaroides (L.) L.
Protea decurrens E. Phillips
Protea dekindtiana Engl.
Protea denticulata Rourke
Protea dracomontana Beard
Protea effusa E. Mey. ex Meisn.
Protea enervis Wild
Protea eximia (Knight) Fourc.
Protea flavopilosa Beard
Protea foliosa Rourke
Protea gaguedi J. F. Gmel.
Protea glabra Thunb.
Protea grandiceps Tratt.
Protea heckmanniana Engl.
Protea holosericea (Knight) Rourke
Protea humiflora Andrews
Protea humifusa Beard
Protea inopina Rourke
Protea intonsa Rourke
Protea kibarensis Hauman
Protea lacticolor Salisb.
Protea laetans L. E. Davidson
Protea laevis R. Br.
Protea lanceolata E. Mey. ex Meisn.
Protea laurifolia Thunb.
Protea lepidocarpodendron (L.) L.
Protea linearifolia Engl.
Protea longifolia Andrews
Protea lorea R. Br.
Protea lorifolia (Knight) Fourc.
Protea madiensis Engl.
Protea micans Welw.
Protea montana E. Mey. ex Meisn.
Protea mucronifolia Salisb.
Protea mundii Klotzsch
Protea namaquana Rourke
Protea nana (P. J. Bergius) Thunb.
Protea nitida Mill.
Protea nubigena Rourke
Protea obtusifolia H. Buek ex Meisn.
Protea odorata Thunb.
Protea ongotium Beard
Protea paludosa (Hiern) Engl.
Protea parvula Beard
Protea pendula R. Br.
Protea petiolaris (Engl. ex Hiern) Welw.
Protea piscina Rourke
Protea pityphylla E. Phillips
Protea poggei Engl.
Protea praticola Engl.
Protea pruinosa Rourke
Protea pudens Rourke
Protea punctata Meisn.
Protea recondita H. Buek ex Meisn.
Protea repens (L.) L.
Protea restionifolia (Knight) Rycroft
Protea revoluta R. Br.
Protea roupelliae Meisn.
Protea rubrobracteata Engl.
Protea rubropilosa Beard
Protea rupestris R. E. Fr.
Protea rupicola Mund ex Meisn.
Protea scabra R. Br.
Protea scabriuscula E. Phillips
Protea scolopendriifolia (Knight) Rourke
Protea scolymocephala (L.) Reichard
Protea scorzonerifolia (Knight) Rycroft
Protea simplex E. Phillips
Protea speciosa (L.) L.
Protea subulifolia (Knight) Rourke
Protea subvestita N. E. Br.
Protea sulphurea E. Phillips
Protea susannae E. Phillips
Protea tenax (Salisb.) R. Br.
Protea venusta Compton
Protea vogtsiae Rourke
Protea welwitschii Engl.
Protea wentzeliana Engl.
Protea witzenbergiana E. Phillips
5 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Protea neriifolia R. Br.
(this page)
Protea acaulos (L.) Reich.
Protea acuminata Sims
Protea amplexicaulis (Salisb.) R. Br.
Protea angolensis Welw.
Protea angustata R. Br.
Protea argyrea Hauman
Protea aristata Phillips
Protea aspera Phillips
Protea asymmetrica Beard
Protea aurea (Burm. fil.) Rourke
Protea baumii Engl. & Gilg
Protea burchellii Stapf
Protea caespitosa Andr.
Protea caffra Meissn.
Protea compacta R. Br.
Protea comptonii Beard
Protea convexa Phillips
Protea cordata Thunb.
Protea coronata Lam.
Protea cryophila Bolus
Protea curvata N. E. Br.
Protea cynaroides (L.) L.
Protea decurrens Phillips
Protea dekindtiana Engl.
Protea denticulata Rourke
Protea dracomontana Beard
Protea effusa E. Mey. ex Meissn.
Protea enervis Wild
Protea eximia (Knight) Fourc.
Protea flavopilosa Beard
Protea foliosa Rourke
Protea gaguedi J. F. Gmel.
Protea glabra Thunb.
Protea grandiceps Tratt.
Protea holosericea (Salisb. ex Knight) Rourke
Protea humiflora Andr.
Protea humifusa J. S. Beard
Protea inopina J. P. Rourke
Protea intonsa Rourke
Protea inyanganiensis Beard
Protea kibarensis Hauman
Protea lacticolor Salisb.
Protea laetans L. E Davidson
Protea laevis R. Br.
Protea laurifolia Thunb.
Protea lepidocarpodendron (L.) L.
Protea linearifolia Engl.
Protea longifolia Andr.
Protea lorea R. Br.
Protea lorifolia (Salisb. ex Knight) Fourc.
Protea madiensis Engl.
Protea magnifica Andr.
Protea matonchiana S. M. Chisumpa & R. K. Brummitt
Protea micans Welw.
Protea minima Hauman
Protea montana E. Mey. ex Meissn.
Protea mucronifolia Salisb.
Protea namaquana J. P. Rourke
Protea nana (Berg.) Thunb.
Protea nitida Mill.
Protea nubigena J. P. Rourke
Protea obtusifolia Buek ex Meissn.
Protea ongotium Beard
Protea paludosa (Hiern.) Engler
Protea parvula Beard
Protea pendula R. Br.
Protea petiolaris (Engl. ex Hiern) Welw.
Protea piscina J. P. Rourke
Protea pityphylla Phillips
Protea poggei Engl.
Protea praticola Engl.
Protea pruinosa J. P. Rourke
Protea pudens J. P. Rourke
Protea punctata Meissn.
Protea recondita Buek ex Meissn.
Protea repens (L.) L.
Protea restionifolia (Salisb. ex Knight) Rycroft
Protea revoluta R. Br.
Protea roupelliae Meissn.
Protea rubrobracteata Engl.
Protea rubropilosa Beard
Protea rupestris R. E. Fries
Protea rupicola Mund ex Meissn.
Protea scabra R. Br.
Protea scabriuscula E. Phillips
Protea scolopendriifolia (Salisb. ex Knight) Rourke
Protea scolymocephala (L.) Reich.
Protea scorzonerifolia (Salisb. ex Knight) Rycroft
Protea simplex E. Phillips
Protea speciosa (L.) L.
Protea stokoei Phillips
Protea subulifolia (Salisb. ex Knight) Rourke
Protea subvestita N. E. Br.
Protea sulphurea Phillips
Protea susannae Phillips
Protea venusta Compton
Protea vogtsiae Rourke
Protea welwitschii Engl.
Protea wentzeliana Engl.
Protea witzenbergiana Phillips
6 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Cellular Organisms
Protea neriifolia R. Br.
(this page)
Protea acaulos (L.) Reich.
Protea acuminata Sims
Protea amplexicaulis (Salisb.) R. Br.
Protea angolensis Welw.
Protea angustata R. Br.
Protea argyrea Hauman
Protea aristata Phillips
Protea aspera Phillips
Protea asymmetrica Beard
Protea aurea (Burm. fil.) Rourke
Protea baumii Engl. & Gilg
Protea burchellii Stapf
Protea caespitosa Andr.
Protea caffra Meissn.
Protea compacta R. Br.
Protea comptonii Beard
Protea convexa Phillips
Protea cordata Thunb.
Protea coronata Lam.
Protea cryophila Bolus
Protea curvata N. E. Br.
Protea cynaroides (L.) L.
Protea decurrens Phillips
Protea dekindtiana Engl.
Protea denticulata Rourke
Protea dracomontana Beard
Protea effusa E. Mey. ex Meissn.
Protea enervis Wild
Protea eximia (Knight) Fourc.
Protea flavopilosa Beard
Protea foliosa Rourke
Protea gaguedi J. F. Gmel.
Protea glabra Thunb.
Protea grandiceps Tratt.
Protea holosericea (Salisb. ex Knight) Rourke
Protea humiflora Andr.
Protea humifusa J. S. Beard
Protea inopina J. P. Rourke
Protea intonsa Rourke
Protea inyanganiensis Beard
Protea kibarensis Hauman
Protea lacticolor Salisb.
Protea laetans L. E Davidson
Protea laevis R. Br.
Protea laurifolia Thunb.
Protea lepidocarpodendron (L.) L.
Protea linearifolia Engl.
Protea longifolia Andr.
Protea lorea R. Br.
Protea lorifolia (Salisb. ex Knight) Fourc.
Protea madiensis Engl.
Protea magnifica Andr.
Protea matonchiana S. M. Chisumpa & R. K. Brummitt
Protea micans Welw.
Protea minima Hauman
Protea montana E. Mey. ex Meissn.
Protea mucronifolia Salisb.
Protea namaquana J. P. Rourke
Protea nana (Berg.) Thunb.
Protea nitida Mill.
Protea nubigena J. P. Rourke
Protea obtusifolia Buek ex Meissn.
Protea ongotium Beard
Protea paludosa (Hiern.) Engler
Protea parvula Beard
Protea pendula R. Br.
Protea petiolaris (Engl. ex Hiern) Welw.
Protea piscina J. P. Rourke
Protea pityphylla Phillips
Protea poggei Engl.
Protea praticola Engl.
Protea pruinosa J. P. Rourke
Protea pudens J. P. Rourke
Protea punctata Meissn.
Protea recondita Buek ex Meissn.
Protea repens (L.) L.
Protea restionifolia (Salisb. ex Knight) Rycroft
Protea revoluta R. Br.
Protea roupelliae Meissn.
Protea rubrobracteata Engl.
Protea rubropilosa Beard
Protea rupestris R. E. Fries
Protea rupicola Mund ex Meissn.
Protea scabra R. Br.
Protea scabriuscula E. Phillips
Protea scolopendriifolia (Salisb. ex Knight) Rourke
Protea scolymocephala (L.) Reich.
Protea scorzonerifolia (Salisb. ex Knight) Rycroft
Protea simplex E. Phillips
Protea speciosa (L.) L.
Protea stokoei Phillips
Protea subulifolia (Salisb. ex Knight) Rourke
Protea subvestita N. E. Br.
Protea sulphurea Phillips
Protea susannae Phillips
Protea venusta Compton
Protea vogtsiae Rourke
Protea welwitschii Engl.
Protea wentzeliana Engl.
Protea witzenbergiana Phillips
6 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Protea neriifolia R. Br.
(this page)
Protea acaulos (L.) Reich.
Protea acuminata Sims
Protea amplexicaulis (Salisb.) R. Br.
Protea angolensis Welw.
Protea angustata R. Br.
Protea argyrea Hauman
Protea aristata Phillips
Protea aspera Phillips
Protea asymmetrica Beard
Protea aurea (Burm. fil.) Rourke
Protea baumii Engl. & Gilg
Protea burchellii Stapf
Protea caespitosa Andr.
Protea caffra Meissn.
Protea compacta R. Br.
Protea comptonii Beard
Protea convexa Phillips
Protea cordata Thunb.
Protea coronata Lam.
Protea cryophila Bolus
Protea curvata N. E. Br.
Protea cynaroides (L.) L.
Protea decurrens Phillips
Protea dekindtiana Engl.
Protea denticulata Rourke
Protea dracomontana Beard
Protea effusa E. Mey. ex Meissn.
Protea enervis Wild
Protea eximia (Knight) Fourc.
Protea flavopilosa Beard
Protea foliosa Rourke
Protea gaguedi J. F. Gmel.
Protea glabra Thunb.
Protea grandiceps Tratt.
Protea holosericea (Salisb. ex Knight) Rourke
Protea humiflora Andr.
Protea humifusa J. S. Beard
Protea inopina J. P. Rourke
Protea intonsa Rourke
Protea inyanganiensis Beard
Protea kibarensis Hauman
Protea lacticolor Salisb.
Protea laetans L. E Davidson
Protea laevis R. Br.
Protea laurifolia Thunb.
Protea lepidocarpodendron (L.) L.
Protea linearifolia Engl.
Protea longifolia Andr.
Protea lorea R. Br.
Protea lorifolia (Salisb. ex Knight) Fourc.
Protea madiensis Engl.
Protea magnifica Andr.
Protea matonchiana S. M. Chisumpa & R. K. Brummitt
Protea micans Welw.
Protea minima Hauman
Protea montana E. Mey. ex Meissn.
Protea mucronifolia Salisb.
Protea namaquana J. P. Rourke
Protea nana (Berg.) Thunb.
Protea nitida Mill.
Protea nubigena J. P. Rourke
Protea obtusifolia Buek ex Meissn.
Protea ongotium Beard
Protea paludosa (Hiern.) Engler
Protea parvula Beard
Protea pendula R. Br.
Protea petiolaris (Engl. ex Hiern) Welw.
Protea piscina J. P. Rourke
Protea pityphylla Phillips
Protea poggei Engl.
Protea praticola Engl.
Protea pruinosa J. P. Rourke
Protea pudens J. P. Rourke
Protea punctata Meissn.
Protea recondita Buek ex Meissn.
Protea repens (L.) L.
Protea restionifolia (Salisb. ex Knight) Rycroft
Protea revoluta R. Br.
Protea roupelliae Meissn.
Protea rubrobracteata Engl.
Protea rubropilosa Beard
Protea rupestris R. E. Fries
Protea rupicola Mund ex Meissn.
Protea scabra R. Br.
Protea scabriuscula E. Phillips
Protea scolopendriifolia (Salisb. ex Knight) Rourke
Protea scolymocephala (L.) Reich.
Protea scorzonerifolia (Salisb. ex Knight) Rycroft
Protea simplex E. Phillips
Protea speciosa (L.) L.
Protea stokoei Phillips
Protea subulifolia (Salisb. ex Knight) Rourke
Protea subvestita N. E. Br.
Protea sulphurea Phillips
Protea susannae Phillips
Protea venusta Compton
Protea vogtsiae Rourke
Protea welwitschii Engl.
Protea wentzeliana Engl.
Protea witzenbergiana Phillips
6 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
GBIF classification
Protea L.
Protea neriifolia R. Br.
(this page)
Protea acaulos (L.) Reich.
Protea acuminata Sims
Protea amplexicaulis R. Br.
Protea angolensis Welw.
Protea angustata R. Br.
Protea argyrea Hauman
Protea aristata E. Phillips
Protea aspera Phillips
Protea asymmetrica Beard
Protea aurea (Burm. fil.) Rourke
Protea baumii Engl. & Gilg
Protea biloba R. Br.
Protea burchellii Stapf
Protea caespitosa Andrews
Protea caffra Meisn.
Protea compacta R. Br.
Protea comptonii Beard
Protea convexa E. Phillips
Protea cordata Thunb.
Protea coronata Lam.
Protea cryophila Bolus
Protea curvata N. E. Br.
Protea cynaroides (L.) L.
Protea decurrens E. Phillips
Protea dekindtiana Engl.
Protea denticulata Rourke
Protea dracomontana Beard
Protea effusa E. Mey. ex Meisn.
Protea enervis Wild
Protea eximia (Knight) Fourc.
Protea flavopilosa Beard
Protea foliosa Rourke
Protea gaguedi J. F. Gmel.
Protea grandiceps Tratt.
Protea heckmanniana Engl.
Protea holosericea (Salisb. ex Knight) Rourke
Protea humiflora Andrews
Protea humifusa J. S. Beard
Protea inopina Rourke
Protea intonsa Rourke
Protea inyanganiensis Beard
Protea kibarensis Hauman
Protea lacticolor Salisb.
Protea laetans L. E Davidson
Protea lanceolata E. Mey. ex Meisn.
Protea laurifolia Thunb.
Protea lepidocarpodendron L.
Protea linearifolia Engl.
Protea longifolia Andrews
Protea lorea R. Br.
Protea lorifolia (Knight) Fourc.
Protea madiensis Engl.
Protea magnifica Andrews
Protea matonchiana Chisumpa & Brummitt
Protea minima Hauman
Protea montana E. Mey. ex Meisn.
Protea mucronifolia Salisb.
Protea mundii Klotzsch
Protea namaquana Rourke
Protea nana Thunb.
Protea nitida Mill.
Protea nubigena Rourke
Protea obtusifolia Buek ex Meisn.
Protea odorata Thunb.
Protea ongotium Beard
Protea paludosa (Hiern) Engl.
Protea parvula Beard
Protea pendula R. Br.
Protea piscina Rourke
Protea pityphylla E. Phillips
Protea poggei Engl.
Protea praticola Engl.
Protea pruinosa Rourke
Protea pudens Rourke
Protea punctata Meisn.
Protea recondita Buek ex Meisn.
Protea repens L.
Protea restionifolia (Salisb. ex Knight) Rycroft
Protea revoluta R. Br.
Protea roupelliae Meisn.
Protea rubrobracteata Engl.
Protea rubropilosa Beard
Protea rupestris R. E. Fr.
Protea rupicola Mund ex Meisn.
Protea scabra R. Br.
Protea scabriuscula E. Phillips
Protea scolymocephala Reichard
Protea scorzonerifolia (Salisb. ex Knight) Rycroft
Protea simplex E. Phillips
Protea stokoei E. Phillips
Protea subulifolia (Salisb. ex Knight) Rourke
Protea subvestita N. E. Br.
Protea sulphurea E. Phillips
Protea susannae E. Phillips
Protea tenax R. Br.
Protea venusta Compton
Protea vogtsiae Rourke
Protea welwitschii Engl.
Protea wentzeliana Engl.
Protea witzenbergiana E. Phillips
9 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Protea neriifolia R. Br.
(this page)
Adenanthos acanthophyllus A. S. George
Adenanthos apiculatus R. Br.
Adenanthos argyreus Diels & E. Pritz.
Adenanthos barbiger Lindl.
Adenanthos cacomorphus E. C. Nelson
Adenanthos cuneatus Labill.
Adenanthos cygnorum Diels & E. Pritz.
Adenanthos detmoldii F. Muell.
Adenanthos dobagii E. C. Nelson
Adenanthos dobsonii F. Muell.
Adenanthos drummondii Meisn.
Adenanthos ellipticus A. S. George
Adenanthos eyrei E. C. Nelson
Adenanthos filifolius Benth.
Adenanthos flavidiflorus F. Muell.
Adenanthos forrestii F. Muell.
Adenanthos gracilipes A. S. George
Adenanthos labillardierei E. C. Nelson
Adenanthos linearis Meisn.
Adenanthos macropodianus E. C. Nelson
Adenanthos meisneri Lehm.
Adenanthos obovatus Labill.
Adenanthos oreophilus E. C. Nelson
Adenanthos pungens Meisn.
Adenanthos terminalis R. Br.
Adenanthos venosus Meisn.
Agastachys odorata R. Br.
Alloxylon pinnatum (Maiden & Betche) P. H. Weston & Crisp
Alloxylon wickhamii (W. Hill & F. Muell.) P. H. Weston & Crisp
Athertonia diversifolia (C. T. White) L. A. S. Johnson & B. G. Briggs
Aulax cancellata (L.) Druce
Aulax pallasia Stapf
Aulax umbellata (Thunb.) R. Br.
Austromuellera trinervia C. T. White
Austromuellera valida B. Hyland is
Banksia aculeata A. S. George
Banksia aemula R. Br.
Banksia aquilonia (A. S. George) A. S. George
Banksia ashbyi Baker fil.
Banksia attenuata R. Br.
Banksia audax C. A. Gardner
Banksia baueri R. Br.
Banksia baxteri R. Br.
Banksia benthamiana C. A. Gardner
Banksia blechnifolia F. Muell.
Banksia brownii Baxter ex R. Br.
Banksia burdettii Baker fil.
Banksia caleyi R. Br.
Banksia candolleana Meisn.
Banksia canei J. H. Willis
Banksia chamaephyton A. S. George
Banksia coccinea R. Br.
Banksia conferta A. S. George
Banksia croajingolensis Molyneux & Forrester
Banksia cuneata A. S. George
Banksia dentata L. fil.
Banksia dryandroides W. H. Baxter ex Sweet
Banksia elderiana F. Muell. & Tate
Banksia elegans Meisn.
Banksia epica A. S. George
Banksia ericifolia L. fil.
Banksia gardneri A. S. George
Banksia goodii R. Br
Banksia grandis Willd.
Banksia grossa A. S. George
Banksia hookeriana Meisn.
Banksia ilicifolia R. Br.
Banksia integrifolia L. fil.
Banksia laevigata Meisn.
Banksia lanata A. S. George
Banksia laricina C. A. Gardner
Banksia leptophylla A. S. George
Banksia lindleyana Meisn.
Banksia littoralis R. Br.
Banksia lullfitzii C. A. Gardner
Banksia marginata Cav.
Banksia media R. Br.
Banksia meisneri Lehm.
Banksia menziesii R. Br.
Banksia micrantha A. S. George
Banksia nutans R. Br.
Banksia oblongifolia Cav.
Banksia occidentalis R. Br.
Banksia oligantha A. S. George
Banksia oreophila A. S. George
Banksia ornata F. Muell. ex Meisn.
Banksia paludosa R. Br.
Banksia petiolaris F. Muell.
Banksia pilostylis C. A. Gardner
Banksia plagiocarpa A. S. George
Banksia praemorsa Andrews
Banksia prionotes Lindl.
Banksia pulchella R. Br.
Banksia quercifolia R. Br.
Banksia recurvistylis K. R. Thiele
Banksia repens Labill.
Banksia robur Cav.
Banksia rosserae Olde & Marriott
Banksia saxicola A. S. George
Banksia scabrella A. S. George
1429 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
cellular organisms
Protea neriifolia
(this page)
Protea acaulos
Protea acuminata
Protea amplexicaulis
Protea angolensis
Protea angustata
Protea aristata
Protea aspera
Protea aurea
Protea burchellii
Protea caespitosa
Protea caffra
Protea canaliculata
Protea compacta
Protea compacta × Protea neriifolia
Protea comptonii
Protea convexa
Protea cordata
Protea coronata
Protea cryophila
Protea curvata
Protea cynaroides
Protea decurrens
Protea denticulata
Protea dracomontana
Protea effusa
Protea enervis
Protea eximia
Protea eximia × Protea susannae
Protea foliosa
Protea gaguedi
Protea glabra
Protea grandiceps
Protea heckmanniana
Protea holosericea
Protea humiflora
Protea inopina
Protea intonsa
Protea inyanganiensis
Protea lacticolor
Protea laetans
Protea laevis
Protea lanceolata
Protea laurifolia
Protea lepidocarpodendron
Protea longifolia
Protea lorea
Protea lorifolia
Protea magnifica
Protea montana
Protea mucronifolia
Protea mundii
Protea namaquana
Protea nana
Protea nitida
Protea nubigena
Protea obtusifolia
Protea odorata
Protea parvula
Protea pendula
Protea petiolaris
Protea piscina
Protea pityphylla
Protea pruinosa
Protea pudens
Protea punctata
Protea recondita
Protea repens
Protea restionifolia
Protea revoluta
Protea roupelliae
Protea rubropilosa
Protea rupicola
Protea saligna
Protea scabra
Protea scabriuscula
Protea scolopendriifolia
Protea scolymocephala
Protea scorzonerifolia
Protea simplex
Protea speciosa
Protea stokoei
Protea subulifolia
Protea subvestita
Protea sulphurea
Protea susannae
Protea tenax
Protea venusta
Protea vogtsiae
Protea welwitschii
Protea wentzeliana
Protea witzenbergiana
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Embryophyta siphonogama
Protea neriifolia
(this page)
Protea acaulos
Protea acuminata
Protea amplexicaulis
Protea angustata
Protea argentea
Protea argyrea
Protea aspera
Protea asymmetrica
Protea aurantiaca
Protea banksii
Protea baumii
Protea burchellii
Protea caespitosa
Protea canaliculata
Protea convexa
Protea cordata
Protea cryophila
Protea cynaroides
Protea decurrens
Protea dekindtiana
Protea denticulata
Protea dracomontana
Protea effusa
Protea enervis
Protea flavopilosa
Protea foliosa
Protea glabra
Protea grandiceps
Protea heckmanniana
Protea holosericea
Protea humiflora
Protea humifusa
Protea inopina
Protea intonsa
Protea inyanganiensis
Protea kibarensis
Protea lacticolor
Protea laevis
Protea leucoblepharis
Protea linearifolia
Protea longifolia
Protea lorea
Protea lorifolia
Protea madiensis
Protea magnifica
Protea matonchiana
Protea micans
Protea minima
Protea montana
Protea mucronifolia
Protea namaquana
Protea nana
Protea nubigena
Protea obtusifolia
Protea odorata
Protea ongotium
Protea pallens
Protea paludosa
Protea parvula
Protea pendula
Protea petiolaris
Protea piscina
Protea pityphylla
Protea poggei
Protea praticola
Protea pruinosa
Protea pudens
Protea punctata
Protea purpurea
Protea recondita
Protea repens
Protea restionifolia
Protea revoluta
Protea rubrobracteata
Protea rubropilosa
Protea rupestris
Protea rupicola
Protea scabra
Protea scabriuscula
Protea scolopendriifolia
Protea scorzonerifolia
Protea sect. Exsertae
Protea sect. Lasiocephalae
Protea sect. Leiocephalae
Protea sect. Ligulatae
Protea sect. Melliferae
Protea sect. Patentiflorae
Protea sect. Pinifolia
Protea sect. Protea
Protea simplex
Protea stokoei
Protea subulifolia
Protea subvestita
Protea sulphurea
Protea susannae
Protea tenax
Protea venusta
Protea vogtsiae
Protea wentzeliana
Protea witzenbergiana
88 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.