Syngrapha ain is a moth of the family Noctuidae.
Wingspan 34–40 mm. Ground color of forewing upperside gray-brown, with strongly serrated wavy lines and a distinctive silvery white mark resembling letter gamma. Hindwings yellow, with a wide black border. Thorax hairy with some tufts of hair. Proboscis well developed.
S. ain is a daytime flier, on the wings from July to August, depending on location. Larvae green, with yellowish longitudinal and double dorsal lines. They feed on Larix species.[2] Pupa dark brown.
S. ain is a Eurasiatic species, found locally in subalpine and alpine larch forests of the Alps, northern Carpathians (Krkonoše and Tatra Mts., sporadically also in South Slovakia and North Hungary), then eastwards in southern Ural Mts. and the south of Siberia. In the Far East, it inhabits the Korean Peninsula as well as Japan.[3][1]