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Length, male, pronotum: length × width: 5.5 × 6.0mm, tegmen 18.5–19.0mm; overall length (including tegmen) 24.0mm. Body yellowish brown (Figs 9, 56–58). Antenna pitch-black except apex of flagellum reddish brown. Labrum, maxillary palpus and labial palpus pitch-black. Pronotum yellowish brown with dark brown maculae at disc (Figs 9, 47). Tegmen pale reddish brown and apex blackish brown (Figs 9, 56–58); wing pale brown with inner and apical margin blackish brown (Fig. 49). Legs yellowish brown, tibiae and tarsi blackish brown (Fig. 10). Vertex with interocular space wider than distance between antennal sockets, and ocellus width about same as distance between antennal sockets. Third and fourth maxillary palpomus about same length, both distinctly longer than the fifth. Pronotum nearly trapezoid with shallow U-shaped macula near base, and hind margin distinctly curved (Figs 9, 47, 56–58). Tegmen with apical posterior branch of radius vein unbranched; median vein also unbifurcated (Fig. 48). Hind wing with radius vein branched beyond the middle, median vein simple, cubitus with 2 complete and 3 incomplete branches, and triangular apical area reduced and small (Fig. 49). Middle of the first abdominal tergite elevated, with a tuft of hair directed forward, T7 and T9 unmodified (Fig. 50). Male genitalia. Supra-anal plate (Fig. 51) symmetrical, hind margin truncate and turning ventrad. Paraprocts dissimilar, right one bearing a long spine-like process and a hand-like process on distad; left one with a spine-like process distad (Fig. 51). Subgenital plate (Fig. 52) asymmetrical, hind margin produced in the middle, right stylus arising at apex and left stylus spine-like directed downwards near base of right one, right side with an irregular sclerite with apex is serrated. Hook-like phallomere on the left (Fig. 53), median phallomere with tapering apex (Fig. 54); right phallomere with lots of irregular sclerites and one of them with slim setae (Fig. 55). Female is similar to male. Supra-anal plate symmetrical, triangular; subgenital plate broad, hind margin slightly arced, near lateral sides concaved.
Zongqing Wang, Yanli Che
bibliographic citation
Wang Z, Che Y (2013) Three new species of cockroach genus Symploce Hebard, 1916 (Blattodea, Ectobiidae, Blattellinae) with redescriptions of two known species based on types from Mainland China ZooKeys 337: 1–18
Zongqing Wang
Yanli Che
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