Nothopegia is a genus of plants in the family Anacardiaceae.
Species include:[1]
Nothopegia is a genus of plants in the family Anacardiaceae.
Species include:
Nothopegia acuminata J.Sinclair Nothopegia aureofulva Bedd. ex Hook.f. Nothopegia beddomei Gamble Nothopegia castanaefolia (Roth) Ding Hou Nothopegia colebrookeana (Wight) Blume Nothopegia heyneana (Hook.f.) Gamble Nothopegia monadelpha (Roxb.) Forman Nothopegia sivagiriana Murugan & Manickam Nothopegia travancorica Bedd. ex Hook.f. Nothopegia vajravelui K.Ravik. & V.Lakshm.