Bursera forest on moderately sloping exposure of volcanic rhyolitic tuff at mid canyon with Ceiba acuminate (lower center). Agave shrevei v. magna, Pachycereus schottii
on steep lower slope of exposed reddish volcanic rhyolitic tuff. Pale spring dry season bark reddens with summer rains. This site has been destroyed by a new paved highway to Batopilas that also limits easy access to many former rich roadside collecting sites in the canyon.
on red volcanic rhyolitic tuff outcrop above river in lower canyon. This site is likely destroyed or no longer easily accessible due to construction of a new paved highway to Batopilas
plants on steep slope of accumulated volcanic rhyolitic tuff rubble and alluvium of lower canyon in deciduous small tree forest with Heliocarpus, Acacia, Bursera, Celtis, Lysiloma.
plants on steep slope of accumulated volcanic rhyolitic tuff rubble and alluvium of lower canyon in deciduous small tree forest with Heliocarpus, Acacia, Celtis, Lysiloma.