Sandra Knapp, João Renato Stehmann, Leandro L. Giacomin
Figure 8.Photograph of living plants of Solanum lacteum, Solanum psilophyllum and Solanum verticillatum. A Inflorescence and flower of Solanum lacteum (Agra et al. 7284) B Habit of Solanum lacteum (from Linhares, ES; no voucher) C Habit of Solanum psilophyllum showing rhizomatous growth (Giacomin et al. 186) D Flowers and young stems of Solanum psilophyllum (Giacomin et al. 186) E Fruit of Solanum psilophyllum (Giacomin et al. 186) F Immature fruit of Solanum verticillatum, inset shows pseudo-verticillate branching pattern (Giacomin et al. 2016). Photographs: A–E (J.R. Stehmann), F (S. Knapp).