Unresolved name

Calidota quadripunctata Schaus

Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Calidota quadripunctata Schaus

Calidota quadripunctata Schaus, 1910, p. 407.

Forewing 26.0 mm. Front of head dark brown; vertex light greyish yellow, with dark brown posteromedial spot. Tegulae light greyish yellow, each with dark brown posteromedial spot; rest of thorax greyish yellow, with dark brown spot anteriorly and posteromedially. Forewing greyish yellow, with dark brown basal spot and medial spots. Hindwing greyish yellow; translucent proximally. Dorsal surface of abdomen orange-yellow; segments 2–7 black laterally, segments 2–3 light greyish brown medially, segments 4–7 with black anteromedial patch; ventral surface olive brown.

Described from an unspecified number of specimens from Avangarez, Costa Rica. The lectotype is the only specimen from the type-locality in the USNM collection.

Lectotype ♀: “July; Collection Wm Schaus; Avangarez, CR; Type No. 16929 U.S.N.M.; Calidota quadripuncta [sic] Schs. type; Lectotype ♀ Calidota quadripunctata Schaus By A. Watson 1967; Arctiidae genitalia slide No. AW509.”
bibliographic citation
Watson, Allan. 1973. "An illustrated catalog of the Neotropic Arctiinae types in the United States National Museum (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae) Part 2." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.50.1