Image of Muhlenbergia pubescens (Kunth) Hitchc.
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Muhlenbergia pubescens (Kunth) Hitchc.

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Muhlenbergia lanata (H.B.K.) Hitchcock
Agroslis lanata H.B.K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 1: 136. 1815.
Cinna > lanata Kunth. Rev. Gram. 1: 67. 1829. (Based on Agroslis lanata H.B.K.) Epicampes lanata Presl, Rel. Haenk. 1: 235. 1830. (Combination not made; see Kunth. Enutn. PI. 1:209. 1833. Based on ylgrojijj /ano(a H.B.K.)
In habitat and vegetative characters similar to M. pubescens; sheaths and blades, especially of the innovations, villous; glumes equal, thin, rather broad, acutish, villous, about 2.3 mm. long; lemma about as long as the glumes, oblong, scarcely narrowed toward summit, villous, awnless or with an awn as much as 3 mm. long.
Type locality: Near Villalpando, Santa Rosa, and Cubileta, Mexico.
Distribution: Canyons and rocky hills. Chihuahua and San Luis Potosl to Puebia, Mexico.
bibliographic citation
Albert Spear Hitchcock. 1935. (POALES); POACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 17(6). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Muhlenbergia pubescens (H.B.K.) Hitchcock
Agrostis pubescens H.B.K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 1: 136. 1815.
Cinna ? pubescens Kunth, Rev. Gram. 1; 67. 1829. (Based on Agrostis pubescens H.B.K.) Epicampes pubescens Presl. Rel. Haenk. 1; 235. 1830. (No actual transfer made; see Kunth, Enum. PI. 1: 209. 1833. Based on Agrostis pubescens H.B.K.)
Perennial, culms comparatively slender, erect, glabrous, 0.5-1.5 m. tall, the basal overlapping sheaths compressed-keeled; sheaths keeled, scaberulous; ligule very thin, lacerate, 5-10 mm. long; blades elongate, flat or usually folded, scabrous, 2-5 mm. wide; panicle narrow, rather dense, more or less interrupted below, pale or ashen, 20-40 cm. long, the axis scabrous, the branches appressed or ascending, naked below but the naked portion hidden by the imbricate closely fiowered upper portion, 4-8 cm. long; glumes about equal, acute, scabrous or scabrouspubescent, 2.5-3 mm. long; lemma a little shorter than the glumes, acutish, more or less pubescent over the lower half, scaberulous above, awnless or with an awn as much as 3 mm. long or rarely longer; palea as long as the lemma, pubescent on the lower part.
Typb locality: Near Villalpando, Santa Rosa, and Cubilete, Mexico. Distribution: Canyons and rocky hills, southern Mexico.
bibliographic citation
Albert Spear Hitchcock. 1935. (POALES); POACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 17(6). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
visit source
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North American Flora