Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Achyranthes portoricensis (Kuntze) Standley, Jour. Wash. Acad
Sci. 5: 73. 1915.
? Brandesia serpyllifolia Mart. Denks. Akad. Munch. 5: 106, in part. 1817. Not Achyranthes serpyllifolia Poir. 1810. Telanthera serpyllifolia Moq. in DC. Prodr. 13 2 : 373. 1849. Alternanthera portoricensis Kuntze, Rev. Gen, 540. 1891. Telanthera Sintenisii Urban, Symb. Ant. 1: 301. Ap 1899. Telanthera dolichocephala Urban, Symb. Ant. 1: 302. 1899.
Alternanthera culebrasensis Uline, Field Columb. Mus. Publ. Bot. 1: 420. Au 1899. Alternanthera Sintenisii Uline, Field Columb. Mus. Publ. Bot. 1: 421. 1899. Alternanthera dolichocephala Urban, Symb. Ant. 4: 221. 1905.
Prostrate perennial; stems much branched, 2-10 dm. long, very slender, densely villous when young with hispidulous white hairs, usually glabrate in age; petioles slender, 3-10 mm. long; leaf -blades orbicular, rounded-ovate, or broadly oval, 1-4 cm. long, thin, densely pilose with hispidulous or branched hairs when young, usually glabrate in age, rounded at the apex, mucronulate, often apiculate, rounded at the base and short-decurrent; heads axillary, Sessile, solitary, the flowers white; bracts and bractlets ovate-oblong, long-acuminate, half as long as the sepals, subhyaline, sparsely or densely short-pilose; sepals lance-oblong, 3-4 mm. long, long-acuminate, 3-nerved, densely pilose, the inner ones narrower; filaments linear, the tube short; staminodia equaling or slightly exceeding the filaments ligulate, laciniate at the apex; style elongate.
Type locality: Guayama, Porto Rico.
Distribution: On rocky hillsides or in moist thickets, Porto Rico and the Danish West Indies.
- bibliographic citation
- Paul Carpenter Standley. 1917. (CHENOPODIALES); AMARANTHACEAE. North American flora. vol 21(2). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY