gysophile on crust of weathered gypsum over anhydrite gypsum and calcareous shaley limestone of the Castile Formation, with other gypsophilic plants Anulocaulis leiosolenus v. gypsogenus, Nama carnosum, and Tiquilia hispidissima, Bouteloua breviseta
on gypsum mineralized silty clays of bolson playa at roadside with halophytic/gypsophilous grasses, forbs & small shrubs; inc. Strotheria, Frankenia, Isocoma, Haploesthes, Flaveria & Atriplex
on gypsum mineralized silty clays of bolson playa at roadside with halophytic/gypsophilous grasses, forbs & small shrubs; inc. Strotheria, Frankenia, Isocoma, Haploesthes, Flaveria & Atriplex
Bright green vegetation is Dicranocarpus; other plants are Atriplex and Sartwellia (yellow flowers)
plants on gypsum mineralized silty clay of bolson playa with halophytic/gypsophilous grasses, forbs & small shrubs; inc. Strotheria, Frankenia, Isocoma, Haploesthes,Tiquilia and Atriplex.
plants on gypsum mineralized silty clay of bolson playa with halophytic/gypsophilous grasses, forbs & small shrubs; inc. Strotheria, Frankenia, Isocoma, Haploesthes,Tiquilia and Atriplex.