sprawling perennial in roadside drainage swale crossing degraded grassland on generally flat plain of limestone gravels and calcareous soil.
on gypseous clay flats below low eroding slopes of interbedded Cretaceous shale and limestone. Foliage view.
Photo is of cleistogamous flower, ca. 2 cm long. Very few chasmogamous flowers on plant.
Plant was almost fully chasmogamous
Limb of chasmogamous flower
Side view of chasmogamous flower; 1 peso coin is 22 mm diam.
Plant on low ridge of interbedded gypsum and limestone along eastside breaks of the Pecos River. Note: cleistogamous flower in lower left.
Plant on low ridge of interbedded gypsum and limestone along eastside breaks of the Pecos River. Foliage view.
on silty calcareous soils of grassy roadside crossing long fallow agricultural fields on bolson plain.
on silty calcareous soils of grassy roadside crossing long fallow agricultural fields on bolson plain.