Growing in a forestry plantation that was: tractor piled woody debris 1998 treated in October 1998 with Hexazinone (velpar) treated with Triclopyr (Garlon) and 2, 4-D in October 2001 ARKL cover in 2012 was >50% and was the dominant shrub in the unit
Growing in a forestry plantation that was: tractor piled woody debris 1998 treated in October 1998 with Hexazinone (velpar) treated with Triclopyr (Garlon) and 2, 4-D in October 2001 ARKL cover in 2012 was >50% and was the dominant shrub in the unit
Growing in a forestry plantation that was: tractor piled woody debris 1998 treated in October 1998 with Hexazinone (velpar) treated with Triclopyr (Garlon) and 2, 4-D in October 2001 ARKL cover in 2012 was >50% and was the dominant shrub in the unit
site was logged in 2002; shelterwood removal silviculture; monitoring by Dept. Fish & Game for cover of ARKL in 2003, 2005 and 2006; ARKL cover about 6% this site
site was salvaged logged in 2008; tractor site preparation including yarding and piling of woody debris; herbicide applications in 2008, 2010 and 2012; several cohorts of ARLK present, including plants up to age 4, and seedlings germinated in 2012.
the lower stems of A. klamathensis exhibit dispersed, dormant buds (although the taxon lacks a basal burl, these dormant buds are homologous) marked in the example at the red arrows; the buds are capable of sprouting, being stimulated by removal of or damage to the crown