Anne I. Gondim, Carmen Alonso, Thelma L. P. Dias, Cynthia L. C. Manso, Martin L. Christoffersen
Figure 8.Species of the family Ophiactidae. Ophiactis quinqueradia A dorsal view B ventral view C jaw D dorsal view of the arms E ventral view of the arms F detail of the radial shields. Ophiactis savignyi G dorsal view, detail of the radial shields H ventral view I jaw J dorsal view of the arms L ventral view of the arms. Scale bar = 1 mm.
Rebeca Granja–Fernández, María D. Herrero-Pérezrul, Ramón A. López-Pérez, Luis Hernández, Fabián A. Rodríguez-Zaragoza, Robert Wallace Jones, Rubén Pineda-López
Figure 3.Ophiothela mirabilis. A dorsal view. Scale bar = 5 mm B dorsal view of the arm C ventral view of the arm D dorsal view of the disk E ventral view of the disk F jaw. Scale bar = 1 mm. Ophiactis savignyi G dorsal view. Scale bar = 5 mm H dorsal view of the arm I ventral view of the arm J dorsal view of the disk K ventral view of the disk L jaw. Scale bar = 1 mm.