Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Clevea hyalina (Sommerf.) Lindb. Not. Salisk
Faun. Fl. Fenn. 9: 291. 1868.
Marchantia cruciata Sommerf, Suppl. Fl. Lapp. 79. 1826. Not M. cruciata L1753.
Marchantia hyalina Sommerf. Mag. Naturvid. II. 1: 284. 1833.
Sauteria alpina Angstr. Bot. Notiser 1839: 97, in part. 1839. Not S. alpina Nees, 1838.
Grimaldia punicea Wallr. Linnaea 14: 687. 1840.
Sauteria seriata Lindb. Hedwigia 5: 33. 1866.
Sauteria {Clevea) hyalina Lindb. Oefv. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Forh. 3: 561. 1866.
Sauteria suecica Lindb. in Gottsche & Rab. Hep. Eur. 347. 1866.
Plagiochasma erythrospermum Sull.; Aust. Proc. Acad. Phila. 1869: 229. 1870.
Sauteria limbata Aust. Proc. Acad. Phila. 1869: 229, in part. 1870.
Clevea hyalina suecica Lindb. Bot. Notiser 1877: 78. 1877.
Clevea suecica Lindb. Musci Scand. 1. 1879.
Aytonia erythrosperma Underw. Bull. 111. Lab. Nat. Hist. 2:. 43. 1884.
Clevea hyalina calif ornica M. A. Howe, Mem. Torrey Club 7: 38. 1899.
Thallus usually dull-green or glaucous -green throughout or with a slight purplish pigmentation along the margin and beneath, mostly 0.5-1.5 cm. long and 2-6 mm. wide, the upper surface clearly divided into polygonal areas; branching dichotomous, ventral branches lacking; epidermal cells averaging about 50 X 30 m» thin-walled or with scarcely evident trigones; pores usually stellate but sometimes with thin radial walls, surrounded by 6 or 7 cells; green tissue loose; ventral scales sometimes more or less purple but usually white throughout, projecting considerably beyond the margin and forming a more or less conspicuous apical cluster. Dioicous; antheridia forming an irregular^ elongate, median group without paleae; fetnale receptacles borne singly or in a short median row, the stalk mostly 0.5-1.5 cm. long, the disc mostly 2.5-4 mm. wide, the paleae usually white but sometimes purple; spores reddishbrown, mostly 45-55 ju in diameter; elaters mostly 8-12 /i wide, with 2-4 spirals in the middle and usually with 2 at each end.
Type locality: Norway.
Distribution: Greenland and Ellesmere Land; Vermont; Montana to British Columbia and south to Colorado and California; also in Europe; an arctic and alpine species, preferring calcareous
- bibliographic citation
- Caroline Coventry Haynes, Marshall Avery Howe, Marshall Avery Howe, Alexander William Evans. 1923. SPHAEROCARPALES - MARCHANTIALES; SPHAEROCARPACEAE, RIELLACEAE; RICCIACEAE, CORSINIACEAE, TARGIONIACEAE, SAUTERIACEAE, REBOULIACEAE, MARCHANTIACEAE. North American flora. vol 14(1) New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY