Description: English: Figure 5. Diversity of ophiuroid skeletal elements: jaws, dental and genital plates. Comparison of juvenile and adult morphology. A–E. oral plates (half-jaws), abradial face; A. Ophiura sarsii (Ophiuridae), strongly elongated; B. Ophiothrix fragilis (Ophiotrichidae), short jaw with branch-like ornamentation; C. Ophiocoma erinaceus (Ophiocomidae), short jaw with striations; D. Ophiacantha bidentata (Ophiacanthidae), weakly elongated; E, Ophioderma longicauda (Ophiodermatidae), strongly elongated. F–J. dental plates, external (proximal) face; F, O. sarsii, multiple openings per tooth; G. O. fragilis, different areas for tooth papillae and teeth; H. O. erinaceus, different areas for tooth papillae and teeth; I. O. bidentata; J, O. longicauda, dental plate consists of several pieces; K–U. genital plates. K–L. O. sarsii; K, genital plates articulating with radial shields; M–N. O. fragilis; O–P. O. erinaceus; Q–R. O. bidentata; S, O. longicauda; T–U. Amphiura chiajei (Amphiuridae). ad, adradial; ab, abradial; am, articulation to arm; m, muscle attachment area; RS, radial shield.; to, tooth socket; tp, tooth papillae area; Scale bars in millimetres. Date: 2012. Source:
Global Diversity of Brittle Stars (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea). Author: Stöhr S, O'Hara TD, Thuy B (2012) Global Diversity of Brittle Stars (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea). PLoS ONE 7(3): e31940. Permission(
Reusing this file): At the publication date (March 2, 2012) the Creative Commons Attribution License version was Cc-by-3.0.