Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Dicranum rugosum (Hoffm.) Brid. Bryol. Univ. 1: 414. 1826
Bryum rugosum Hoffm. Deuts.Fl. 2: 39. 1796.
Dicranum undulatum Ehrh.; Hoffm. Deuts. Fl. 2: 39, as synonym. 1796.
Dioicous: male plants minute, on tomentum of the fertile stems, the perigonial leaves up to 2 mm. long, not undulate, abruptly narrowed to a lanceolate, serrulate, acute point, the faint costa often vanishing in the upper half of the leaf; antheridia 4 or 5, about 0.4 mm. long, with few paraphyses: fertile plants in extensive, loosely cohering, mostly glossy, light-green tufts, with robust stems up to 20 cm. high, conspicuously thickened with dense tomentum extending almost to the apex and grayish above, rusty-brown below: stem-leaves long-lanceolate, undulate, acute, up to 10 mm. long and 1.5 mm. wide, spreading-nexuous, subsquarrose or somewhat curved-secund, sharply serrate on the borders one half down and more or less recurved below on one or both sides; costa vanishing below the apex, a little above the base 100 p wide and one tenth to one twelfth of the leaf -width with two sharply serrate wings on the back above, in cross-section scarcely one half up the leaf showing about 6 guide-cells with stereid-bands above and below, and about two outer cells differentiated on the dorsal side, forming ribs ; alar cells golden-brown, those within often hyaline, extending rather more than one half way to the costa, the cells in the blade above smooth, elongate to the apex, with thickened, pitted walls, the median ones about 12 (x wide and 40-60 ju long; perichaetial leaves closely convolute, rather longer than the stem-leaves, very faintly costate above the middle, abruptly narrowed to a slender, nearly smooth or sometimes serrate point often not more than one sixth the broader part in length: setae aggregate, 1-7, mostly yellow, 2-3 cm. long: capsule cylindric, 2-3 mm. long, curved, nodding to horizontal, smooth or irregularly furrowed when dry, not strumose, with few stomata in mostly one row ; annulus wanting ; lid obliquely rostrate, often longer than capsule; peristome-teeth about 400 n long, finely and indistinctly vertically striate, papillose on the margins, divided sometimes almost to the base : spores somewhat rough, about 20 /x in diameter.
Type locality: Germany.
Distribution : Newfoundland to British Columbia and southward to West Virginia, Ohio, and
- bibliographic citation
- Robert Statham Williams. 1913. (BRYALES); DICRANACEAE, LEUCOBRYACEAE. North American flora. vol 15(2). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY