Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Dicranella grevilleana (Brid.) Schimp. Coroll. Bryol
Eur. 13. 1855.
Dicranum Schreberi Grevilleanum Brid. Bryol. Univ. 1: 450. 1826. Dicranum Grevilleanum B.S-G. Bryol. Eur. (37-40:) Dicranum 19. 1847.
Plants in soft, green cushions, with mostly simple, erect stems up to 2 cm. high: stem-leaves distant, about 1.5 mm. long, from an ovate, loosely clasping base rather abruptly narrowed to a flexuous-squarrose, narrow, grooved limb with a narrow blade extending to the slightly serrulate apex, the leaf -margin flat and slightly erenulate almost to the base; costa 50-60/* wide at the base, scarcely one sixth the width of the leaf -base; leaf-cells distinct, thin-walled, rectangular or sometimes rather irregular, the median ones 8-10 fi wide and two or three times as long, the lower ones about 10 m wide and up to 50 /x long; perichaetial leaves up to 4 mm. long, from an elongate, clasping base abruptly narrowed to a spreading, flexuous, narrow limb one and one half times to twice, as long as the clasping part, with the apex denticulate; costa more or less excurrent and below paler and narrower than in the stem-leaves: seta red, erect, 8-10 mm. long: capsule short, nodding, curved, slightly strumose and more or less ribbed when dry and empty, with high-conic, obliquely rostrate lid and no annulus; exothecal cells irregularly quadrate, about 20 n wide, not greatly elongate, with thickened walls; peristome-teeth reddish-brown, up to 375 /i high, divided scarcely one half down into two papillose forks, vertically striate below, with the inner lamellae up to 30-40 m apart, the basal membrane two or three rows high of dark cells, slightly projecting: spores nearly smooth, up to 17 ju in diameter.
Type locauty: Scotland.
Distribution: Alpine regions from Montana and Washington to Behring Sea; New Brunswick (Macoun); also in Europe and Asia.
- bibliographic citation
- Robert Statham Williams. 1913. (BRYALES); DICRANACEAE, LEUCOBRYACEAE. North American flora. vol 15(2). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY