Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Carex concolor R. Br. Chlor. Melv. 25. 1823
Carex rigida Gooden. Trans. Linn. Soc. 2 : 193. pi. 22, f. 10. 1794. (Type from Scotland.) Not C.
rigida Schrank, 1789. "Carex saxatilis L." Schkuhr, Riedgr. 1: 54. 1801. (Plants from Europe and Greenland.) Carex rigida var. recurva S. F. Gray, Nat. Arr. Brit. PI. 2: 51. 1821. (Type from Great Britain.) Carex Bigelovii Torr.; Schw. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 1 : 67. 1824. (Type from the White Mountains, New
Hampshire.) Carex Washingtoniana Dewey, Am. Jour. Sci. 10: 272. pi. D,f. 14. 1826. (Type from Mt. Washington, New Hampshire.) Vignea saxatilis Reichenb. in Mossier, Handb. ed. 2. 1624, in part. 1829. "Carex Washingtonia Dewey" Eaton, Man. ed. 5. 156. 1829. (Change of spelling.) Carex saxatilis var. Torr. Ann. Lye N. Y. 3 : 397. 1836. (Based on C. Bigelovii Torr.) Carex saxatilis var. rigida Laest. Nova Acta Soc. Sci. Upsal. 11 : 287. 1839. (Based by inference
on C. rigida Gooden.) Carex saxatilis var. a Laest. Nova Acta Soc. Sci. Upsal. 11 : 287. 1839. (Type from Sweden.) Carex saxatilis var. inferalpina Laest. Nova Acta Soc. Sci. Upsal. 11: 287. 1839. (Type from
Lapland.) Olotrema Washingtoniana Raf. Good Book 25. 1840. (Based on Carex Washingtoniana Dewey.) Onkerma rigida Raf. Good Book 27. 1840. (Based on Carex rigida Gooden.) Neskiza saxatilis Raf. Good Book 27, in part. 1840.
Diemisa concolor Raf. Good Book 27. 1840. (Based on Carex concolor R. Br.)
Carex caespitosa var. elliptica Drejer, Nat. Tidssk. 3 : 456. 1841. (Type from Igalliko Bay, Greenland.) Carex saxatilis var. typica Drejer, Nat, Tidssk, 3: 460. 1841. (Type from Lapland.) Carex saxatilis var. infuscata Drejer, Nat. Tidssk. 3: 460. 1841. (Type from Greenland.) Carex saxatilis var. pudica Drejer, Nat. Tidssk. 3: 461. 1841. (Type from Iceland.) Carex saxatilis var. lutosa Drejer, Nat. Tidssk. 3: 461. 1841. (Type from Greenland.) Carex hyperborea Drejer, Nat. Tidssk. 3: 461. 1841. (Type from Greenland.) Carex rigida var. inferalpina Fries, Mant. 3: 147. 1842. (Based on C. saxatilis var. inferalpina
Laest.) Carex rigida var. saxatilis Fries, Mant. 3: 148. 1842. Carex rigida var. glacialis Fries, Mant. 3: 148. 1842. Carex rigida var. Bigelovii Tuckerm. Enum. Caric. 19. Carex hyperborea f. latifolia Anderss. Cyp. Scand. 52. Carex hyperborea var. paradoxa Drejer; Liebm. Fl. Dan. 42: 7. pi. 2483.
land.) Carex Friedrichslhaliana Steud. Syn. Cyp. 211. 1855. (Type from Greenland.)
(Based on C. saxatilis var. rigida Laest.) (Based on C. saxatilis var. a Laest.) 1843. (Based on C. Bigelovii Torr.) 1849. (Type from Lapland.)
1849. (Type from GreenCarex saxalilis var. pallidior a. major Blytt, Norges Fl. 1 : 210. 1861. (Type from Nor . Carex saxatilis var. pallidior b. minor Blytt, Norges Fl. 1: 210. 1861. (Type from Noi Carex dubilata Dewey, in Wood, Class-Book, ed. 1861. 755. 1861. (Type From ili> White Mountains, New Hampshire.) Vignanlha rigida Schur, Rnum. PI. Transsilv. 705. 1866. (Based on Carex rigida Good) Carex vulgaris var. hyperborea Boott, 111. Carex 167. 1867. (Based on < Carex vulgaris var. alpina Boott, 111. Carex 167. 1867. (Based on C. rigida Gooden.) Carex vulgaris f. Bock. Linnaea 40: 417. 1876. (Based on C. Bigelovii Torr.) Carex Drejeriana Lange, Fl. Dan. 50: 10. pi. 2975. 1880. (Type from Greenland.) Carex hyperborea var. tenuifolia Lange, Consp. Fl. Groenl. 145. 1880. (Type from Greenland.) Carex Warmingii Holm, Hot. Jahrb, 8:294. 1887. (Type from western Greenland.) Carex Fyllae Holm, Bot. Jahrb. 8: 294. 1887. (Type from western Greenland.) Carex spiralis Ewing, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow II. 2: 110. 1888. (Type from Scotland.) Carex hyperborea f. cuspidata Rosenv. Consp. Fl. Greenl. 723. 1892. (Type from Greenland.) Carex caespitosa var. rigida Benth. & Hook. f. Handb. Brit. Fl. ed. 6. 496. 1896. (Based on C.
rigida Gooden.) Carex rigida i. aggregate Almq.; Neuman, Sv. Fl. 707. 1901. (Type from Sweden.) Carex rigida f. juncelliformis Almq.; Neuman, Sv. Fl. 707. 1901. (Type from Sweden.) Carex rigida f. glacialis "Fries" Kiikenth. in Engler, Pflanzenreich 4-°: 301. 1909. (Based on C
rigida var. glacialis Fries.) Carex rigida f. infuscala "Drejer" Kiikenth. in Engler, Pflanzenreich 4 20 : 301. 1909. (Based on
C. saxatilis var. infuscala Drejer.) Carex rigida f. lulosa "Drejer" Kiikenth. in Engler, Pflanzenreich 4 2 °: 301. 1909. (Based on C.
saxatilis var. lutosa Drejer.) Carex rigida f. pudica "Drejer" Kiikenth. in Engler, Pflanzenreich 4-°: 301. 1909. (Based on
C. saxalilis var. pudica Drejer.) Carex rigida var. concolor Kiikenth. in Engler, Pflanzenreich 4 20 : 301. 1909. (Based on C. concolor R. Br.) Carex rigida var. concolor f. lalifolia Kiikenth. in Engler, Pflanzenreich 4 20 : 302. 1909. (Based on
C. hyperborea f. latifolia Anderss.) Carex rigida var. concolor f. Drejeriana Kiikenth. in Engler, Pflanzenreich 4 20 : 302. 1909. (Based
on C. Drejeriana Lange.) Carex rigida var. concolor f. paradoxa Kiikenth. in Engler, Pflanzenreich 4 20 : 302. 1909. (Based on
C. hyperborea var. paradoxa Drejer.) Carex rigida var. concolor f. cuspidata Kiikenth. in Engler, Pflanzenreich 4 : °: 302. 1909. (Based on
C. hvperborea f. cuspidata Rosenv.) Carex Hartzii Gand. Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 66 : 296. 1920. (Type from Greenland.)
Strongly stoloniferous, the culms arising one to few together, the stolons horizontal or ascending, stoutish or slender, purplish-red, scaly, the culms stout, stiffly erect, 1-4 dm. high, papillate, sharply triangular, usually exceeding the leaves, smooth or roughened above, strongly phyllopodic, brovvnish-purple-tinged at base, the dried-up leaves of the previous year numerous and very conspicuous, all the leaves of the year blade-bearing; sterile shoots aphvilopodic; leaves with well-developed blades usually 8-20 to a fertile culm, clustered near the base, 3-5 of the flowering year, the rest of the previous year, sparingly septate-nodulose, the blades ascending or spreading, thickish, stiff, flat with revolute margins, bluish-green, papillate, 0.5-3 dm. long, 2-8 mm. wide, short-tapering, smooth except at apex, the sheaths dull-whitish or light-yellowish-brown-tinged ventrally, not hispidulous dorsally, the ligule as long as wide; terminal spike staminate (rarely with a few perigynia), usually strongly peduncled, linear, 0.5-2.5 cm. long, 2-4 mm. wide, the scales obovate or oblong-obovate, very obtuse, brownishblack with lighter center and usually narrow hyaline margins, especially at apex; pistillate spikes 1-6, usually 2 or 3, approximate or the lowest more or less distant, erect, the upper sessile or nearly so, the lower short-peduncled, narrowly oblong or linear, 0.5-3 cm. long, 3-6min. wide, the upper often staminate at apex, closely flowered, the perigynia 10-40, appressederect in few to several rows; lower bract leaflet-like, normally shorter than the culm, sheathless, black-auricled, the others much reduced, scale-like; scales oblong-obovate, 3-4 mm. long, 2 mm. wide, strongly puncticulate, blackish with lighter midrib and very narrow hyaline margins, rarely somewhat paler, usually very obtuse, rarely somewhat mucronate, usually wider and longer than and completely concealing perigynia, but sometimes narrower or shorter, slightly enveloping perigynia; perigynia unequally biconvex, not turgid, more or less flattened, oblong-obovoid, or obovoid, 2.5-3.5 mm. long, 1.5-2 mm. wide, 2-ribbed (the marginal), otherwise nerveless, puncticulate, membranaceous, light-green, very often strongly purplisnblack-spotted or blotched above, rounded to a nearly sessile or substipitate base, not serrulate above, abruptly minutely apiculate, the beak 0.1-0.3 mm. long, entire, straight, purplishblack; achenes lenticular, oval or obovoid, 1.5-2 mm. long, 1 mm. wide, filling more than three fourths of lower part of perigynium, light-brown, granular, broadly substipitate, slightly apiculate, jointed with the short, straight, often slightly exserted style; stigmas 2, slender, white or' becoming yellowish-brown.
Type locality: Melville Island, Arctic America.
Distribution: Sunny rocky shores and exposed places; arctic-alpine, throughout the colder parts of Eurasia and North America, and southward in the higher mountains. In North America it ranges from Greenland to Alaska, and southward to the mountains of New Hampshire and northern New York. (Specimens examined from Greenland, Ungava, Labrador, Newfoundland, Quebec, Maine, New Hampshire. Vermont, New York, Mackenzie, Alaska.)
- bibliographic citation
- Kenneth Kent Mackenzie. 1935. (POALES); CYPERACEAE; CARICEAE. North American flora. vol 18(6). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY