Figures 23–25.Falsocis occultus Lopes-Andrade & Lawrence, sp. n., male paratypes 23–24 shown in the same scale, dorsal view (acute pronotal apex, arrows). 23 Low male from Linhares (in the state of Espírito Santo, southeastern Brazil) 24 Medium male from Linhares 25 The unique specimen known from Nova Teutônia (in the state of Santa Catarina, southern Brazil).
Figure 41.Distribution map for Falsocis Pic species. Falsocis aquilonius sp. n. (full circle), Falsocis brasiliensis Lopes-Andrade (full squares), Falsocis egregius sp. n. (open triangle), Falsocis occultus sp. n. (open circles), Falsocis opacus Pic (x) and Falsocis sp. (open star inside full circle). The question mark indicates an imprecise location of Falsocis aquilonius sp. n. in Colombia.