I found this „structure“ of thousands of Filogranella elatensis on 04.08.2019 in Raja Ampat. Pulau Pef, divespot Selat Yembraimuk. It was about 30 cm high. The tubeworms were feeding in the current. I know Filogranella elatensis only solitaire on hard surfaces as mussel shells. I touched one branch and it fell apart immediately (left corner). Although it could withstand the current, it was a very fragile construction.
I found this „structure“ of thousands of Filogranella elatensis on 04.08.2019 in Raja Ampat. Pulau Pef, divespot Selat Yembraimuk. It was about 30 cm high. The tubeworms were feeding in the current. I touched one branch and it fell apart immediately (left corner). Although it could withstand the current, it was a very fragile construction.