The Ascobolaceae are a family of fungi in the order Pezizales. A 2008 estimate places 6 genera and 129 species in the family.[1]
Most fruiting bodies of the disk-like ascobolaceae examined, are round and without conidium. All members of this family of fungi have a saprobiontic lifestyle, feeding on decaying and dead matter.[2]
Ascobolus michaudii and Ascobolus albidus live as decomposers on the feces of large herbivore and omnivore mammals and depend on their survival, due to the specialized habitat they inhabit.[4]
Weißlicher Kotling Ascobolus albidus, Northern Velebit National Park[4]
Ascobolus carbonarius dwells on burnt material
Ascobolus stercorarius:James Sowerbys Coloured Figures of English Fungi or Mushrooms
Saccobolus citrinus
Thecotheus holmskioldii
The Ascobolaceae are a family of fungi in the order Pezizales. A 2008 estimate places 6 genera and 129 species in the family.