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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
Cellular Organisms
An Order Of Snails
Needle Whelks
Terebra albomarginata Deshayes 1859
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Terebra albomarginata Deshayes 1859
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from World Register of Marine Species
Terebra albomarginata
Recognized by
BHL data coverage
Terebra albomarginata Deshayes 1859
Species recognized by
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
World Register of Marine Species
GBIF data coverage
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
, and
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Alternative Names
Perirhoe melamans Iredale 1929
Synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Terebra melamans Iredale 1929
Synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Common Names
There are no common names associated with this taxon.
Curated hierarchies for Terebra albomarginata Deshayes 1859
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Gastropoda Cuvier 1795
Caenogastropoda Cox 1960
Neogastropoda Wenz 1938
Conoidea J. Fleming 1822
Terebridae Mörch 1852
Terebrinae Mörch 1852
Terebra Bruguière 1789
Terebra albomarginata Deshayes 1859
(this page)
Terebra achates Weaver 1960
Terebra adamsii E. A. Smith 1873
Terebra aikeni Terryn & Welsh 2020
Terebra albocancellata Bratcher 1988
Terebra amanda Hinds 1844
Terebra anilis (Röding 1798)
Terebra archimedis Deshayes 1859
Terebra argosyia Olsson 1971
Terebra argus Hinds 1844
Terebra babylonia Lamarck 1822
Terebra balabacensis Aubry & Picardal 2011
Terebra bellanodosa Grabau & S. G. King 1928
Terebra binii (Aubry 2014)
Terebra boucheti Bratcher 1981
Terebra bratcherae Cernohorsky 1987
Terebra brunnea Kuroda 1928
Terebra caddeyi Bratcher & Cernohorsky 1982
Terebra caelata A. Adams & Reeve 1850
Terebra canalis S. V. Wood 1828
Terebra cancellata Gray 1834
Terebra castaneostriata Kosuge 1979
Terebra cingulifera Lamarck 1822
Terebra circinata Deshayes 1857
Terebra cognata E. A. Smith 1877
Terebra commaculata (Gmelin 1791)
Terebra connelli Bratcher & Cernohorsky 1985
Terebra consobrina Deshayes 1857
Terebra corrugata Lamarck 1822
Terebra cossignanii Aubry 2008
Terebra costellata G. B. Sowerby I 1846
Terebra cumingii Deshayes 1857
Terebra deshayesii Reeve 1860
Terebra dispar Deshayes 1859
Terebra donpisori Terryn 2017
Terebra elliscrossi Bratcher 1979
Terebra erythraeensis Terryn & Dekker 2017
Terebra exilis Bell 1871
Terebra eximia Deshayes 1859
Terebra fenestrata Hinds 1844
Terebra fernandae Aubry 1991
Terebra fernandesi Bouchet 1983
Terebra fijiensis (E. A. Smith 1873)
Terebra floridana (Dall 1889)
Terebra formosa Deshayes 1857
Terebra fujitai Kuroda & Habe 1952
Terebra funiculata Hinds 1844
Terebra gabriellae Aubry 2008
Terebra gaiae Aubry 2008
Terebra giorgioi Aubry 1999
Terebra grayi E. A. Smith 1877
Terebra guineensis Bouchet 1983
Terebra guttata (Röding 1798)
Terebra helichrysum Melvill & Standen 1903
Terebra histrio Deshayes 1857
Terebra hoaraui Drivas & Jay 1988
Terebra inaequalis G. B. Sowerby I 1850
Terebra insalli Bratcher & R. D. Burch 1976
Terebra inversa Nyst 1843
Terebra irregularis Thiele 1925
Terebra jacksoniana (Garrard 1976)
Terebra jenningsi R. D. Burch 1965
Terebra kantori Terryn 2017
Terebra knudseni Bratcher 1983
Terebra laevigata Gray 1834
Terebra lauretanae Tenison Woods 1878
Terebra levantina Aubry 1999
Terebra ligata Hinds 1844
Terebra lindae Petuch 1987
Terebra montgomeryi R. D. Burch 1965
Terebra niauensis Tröndlé & Letourneux 2011
Terebra nodularis Deshayes 1859
Terebra noumeaensis Aubry 1999
Terebra ornata Gray 1834
Terebra pellyi E. A. Smith 1877
Terebra picta Hinds 1844
Terebra praelonga Deshayes 1859
Terebra pseudopicta Aubry 2008
Terebra pseudoturbonilla Talavera 1975
Terebra punctatostriata Gray 1834
Terebra quoygaimardi Cernohorsky & Bratcher 1976
Terebra reticularis (Pecchioli ex Sacco 1891)
Terebra robusta Hinds 1844
Terebra rosae Aubry 2015
Terebra subangulata Deshayes 1859
Terebra subulata (Linnaeus 1767)
Terebra succinea Hinds 1844
Terebra swobodai Bratcher 1981
Terebra tagaroae Terryn 2017
Terebra taiwanensis Aubry 1999
Terebra taurina (Lightfoot 1786)
Terebra terryni Poppe, Tagaro & Goto 2018
Terebra tessellata Gray 1834
Terebra tricolor G. B. Sowerby I 1825
Terebra twilae Bouchet 1983
Terebra vanuatuensis Aubry 1999
Terebra vanwalleghemi Terryn 2017
Terebra vappereaui Tröndlé, Boutet & Terryn 2013
Terebra venilia Tenison Woods 1879
Terebra virgo Schepman 1913
Terebra walkeri E. A. Smith 1899
35 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Gastropoda Cuvier 1795
Caenogastropoda L. R. Cox 1960
Neogastropoda Wenz 1938
Conoidea J. Fleming 1822
Terebridae Mörch 1852
Terebrinae Mörch 1852
Terebra Bruguière 1789
Terebra albomarginata Deshayes 1859
(this page)
Terebra achates C. S. Weaver 1960
Terebra adamsii E. A. Smith 1873
Terebra aikeni Terryn & Welsh 2020
Terebra albocancellata Bratcher 1988
Terebra amanda Hinds 1844
Terebra anilis (Röding 1798)
Terebra archimedis Deshayes 1859
Terebra argosyia Olsson 1971
Terebra argus Hinds 1844
Terebra babylonia Lamarck 1822
Terebra balabacensis Aubry & Picardal 2011
Terebra bellanodosa Grabau & S. G. King 1928
Terebra binii (Aubry 2014)
Terebra boucheti Bratcher 1981
Terebra bratcherae Cernohorsky 1987
Terebra caddeyi Bratcher & Cernohorsky 1982
Terebra caelata A. Adams & Reeve 1850
Terebra castaneostriata Kosuge 1979
Terebra cingulifera Lamarck 1822
Terebra circinata Deshayes 1857
Terebra cognata E. A. Smith 1877
Terebra commaculata (Gmelin 1791)
Terebra connelli Bratcher & Cernohorsky 1985
Terebra consobrina Deshayes 1857
Terebra corrugata Lamarck 1822
Terebra cossignanii Aubry 2008
Terebra cumingii Deshayes 1857
Terebra deshayesii Reeve 1860
Terebra donpisori Terryn 2017
Terebra elliscrossi Bratcher 1979
Terebra erythraeensis Terryn & H. Dekker 2017
Terebra exilis Bell 1871
Terebra eximia Deshayes 1859
Terebra fenestrata Hinds 1844
Terebra fernandesi Bouchet 1983
Terebra floridana Dall 1889
Terebra formosa Deshayes 1857
Terebra funiculata Hinds 1844
Terebra gabriellae Aubry 2008
Terebra gaiae Aubry 2008
Terebra giorgioi Aubry 1999
Terebra grayi E. A. Smith 1877
Terebra guineensis Bouchet 1983
Terebra guttata (Röding 1798)
Terebra helichrysum Melvill & Standen 1903
Terebra histrio Deshayes 1857
Terebra hoaraui Drivas & Jay 1988
Terebra insalli Bratcher & R. D. Burch 1967
Terebra irregularis Thiele 1925
Terebra jacksoniana (Garrard 1976)
Terebra jenningsi R. D. Burch 1965
Terebra kantori Terryn 2017
Terebra knudseni Bratcher 1983
Terebra laevigata Gray 1834
Terebra lauretanae Tenison Woods 1878
Terebra levantina Aubry 1999
Terebra ligata Hinds 1844
Terebra lillianae Withney 1976
Terebra lima Deshayes 1857
Terebra lindae Petuch 1987
Terebra loebbeckeana Dunker 1877
Terebra luandensis Aubry 2008
Terebra mamillata R. B. Watson 1886
Terebra mariesi E. A. Smith 1880
Terebra marrowae Bratcher & Cernohorsky 1982
Terebra montgomeryi R. D. Burch 1965
Terebra neglecta (Poppe, Tagaro & Terryn 2009)
Terebra niauensis Tröndlé & J. Letourneux 2011
Terebra nodularis Deshayes 1859
Terebra ornata Gray 1834
Terebra picta Hinds 1844
Terebra praelonga Deshayes 1859
Terebra pretiosa Reeve 1842
Terebra pseudopertusa Peyrot 1931
Terebra pseudopicta Aubry 2008
Terebra punctatostriata Gray 1834
Terebra punctum (Poppe, Tagaro & Terryn 2009)
Terebra quoygaimardi Cernohorsky & Bratcher 1976
Terebra raybaudii Aubry 1993
Terebra reticularis (Pecchioli 1891)
Terebra robusta Hinds 1844
Terebra rosae Aubry 2015
Terebra russetae (Garrard 1976)
Terebra salisburyi Drivas & Jay 1998
Terebra stearnsii Pilsbry 1891
Terebra straminea Gray 1834
Terebra subangulata Deshayes 1859
Terebra subulata (Linnaeus 1767)
Terebra succinea Hinds 1844
Terebra swobodai Bratcher 1981
Terebra tagaroae Terryn 2017
Terebra taiwanensis Aubry 1999
Terebra terryni Poppe, Tagaro & Goto 2018
Terebra tessellata Gray 1834
Terebra tricolor G. B. Sowerby I 1825
Terebra twilae Bouchet 1983
Terebra vanuatuensis Aubry 1999
Terebra vanwalleghemi Terryn 2017
Terebra vappereaui Tröndlé, Boutet & Terryn 2013
Terebra virgo Schepman 1913
31 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Terebra albomarginata Deshayes 1859
(this page)
Terebra achates Weaver 1960
Terebra adamsii E. A. Smith 1873
Terebra aikeni Terryn & Welsh 2020
Terebra albocancellata Bratcher 1988
Terebra amanda Hinds 1844
Terebra anilis (Röding 1798)
Terebra archimedis Deshayes 1859
Terebra argosyia Olsson 1971
Terebra argus Hinds 1844
Terebra babylonia Lamarck 1822
Terebra balabacensis Aubry & Picardal 2011
Terebra bellanodosa Grabau & S. G. King 1928
Terebra binii (Aubry 2014)
Terebra boucheti Bratcher 1981
Terebra bratcherae Cernohorsky 1987
Terebra brunnea Kuroda 1928
Terebra caddeyi Bratcher & Cernohorsky 1982
Terebra caelata A. Adams & Reeve 1850
Terebra canalis S. V. Wood 1828
Terebra cancellata Gray 1834
Terebra castaneostriata Kosuge 1979
Terebra cingulifera Lamarck 1822
Terebra circinata Deshayes 1857
Terebra cognata E. A. Smith 1877
Terebra commaculata (Gmelin 1791)
Terebra connelli Bratcher & Cernohorsky 1985
Terebra consobrina Deshayes 1857
Terebra corrugata Lamarck 1822
Terebra cossignanii Aubry 2008
Terebra costellata G. B. Sowerby I 1846
Terebra cumingii Deshayes 1857
Terebra deshayesii Reeve 1860
Terebra dispar Deshayes 1859
Terebra donpisori Terryn 2017
Terebra elliscrossi Bratcher 1979
Terebra erythraeensis Terryn & Dekker 2017
Terebra exilis Bell 1871
Terebra eximia Deshayes 1859
Terebra fenestrata Hinds 1844
Terebra fernandae Aubry 1991
Terebra fernandesi Bouchet 1983
Terebra fijiensis (E. A. Smith 1873)
Terebra floridana (Dall 1889)
Terebra formosa Deshayes 1857
Terebra fujitai Kuroda & Habe 1952
Terebra funiculata Hinds 1844
Terebra gabriellae Aubry 2008
Terebra gaiae Aubry 2008
Terebra giorgioi Aubry 1999
Terebra grayi E. A. Smith 1877
Terebra guineensis Bouchet 1983
Terebra guttata (Röding 1798)
Terebra helichrysum Melvill & Standen 1903
Terebra histrio Deshayes 1857
Terebra hoaraui Drivas & Jay 1988
Terebra inaequalis G. B. Sowerby I 1850
Terebra insalli Bratcher & R. D. Burch 1976
Terebra inversa Nyst 1843
Terebra irregularis Thiele 1925
Terebra jacksoniana (Garrard 1976)
Terebra jenningsi R. D. Burch 1965
Terebra kantori Terryn 2017
Terebra knudseni Bratcher 1983
Terebra laevigata Gray 1834
Terebra lauretanae Tenison Woods 1878
Terebra levantina Aubry 1999
Terebra ligata Hinds 1844
Terebra lindae Petuch 1987
Terebra montgomeryi R. D. Burch 1965
Terebra niauensis Tröndlé & Letourneux 2011
Terebra nodularis Deshayes 1859
Terebra noumeaensis Aubry 1999
Terebra ornata Gray 1834
Terebra pellyi E. A. Smith 1877
Terebra picta Hinds 1844
Terebra praelonga Deshayes 1859
Terebra pseudopicta Aubry 2008
Terebra pseudoturbonilla Talavera 1975
Terebra punctatostriata Gray 1834
Terebra quoygaimardi Cernohorsky & Bratcher 1976
Terebra reticularis (Pecchioli ex Sacco 1891)
Terebra robusta Hinds 1844
Terebra rosae Aubry 2015
Terebra subangulata Deshayes 1859
Terebra subulata (Linnaeus 1767)
Terebra succinea Hinds 1844
Terebra swobodai Bratcher 1981
Terebra tagaroae Terryn 2017
Terebra taiwanensis Aubry 1999
Terebra taurina (Lightfoot 1786)
Terebra terryni Poppe, Tagaro & Goto 2018
Terebra tessellata Gray 1834
Terebra tricolor G. B. Sowerby I 1825
Terebra twilae Bouchet 1983
Terebra vanuatuensis Aubry 1999
Terebra vanwalleghemi Terryn 2017
Terebra vappereaui Tröndlé, Boutet & Terryn 2013
Terebra venilia Tenison Woods 1879
Terebra virgo Schepman 1913
Terebra walkeri E. A. Smith 1899
35 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Terebra albomarginata Deshayes 1859
(this page)
Terebra achates Weaver 1960
Terebra adamsii E. A. Smith 1873
Terebra aikeni Terryn & Welsh 2020
Terebra albocancellata Bratcher 1988
Terebra amanda Hinds 1844
Terebra anilis (Röding 1798)
Terebra archimedis Deshayes 1859
Terebra argosyia Olsson 1971
Terebra argus Hinds 1844
Terebra babylonia Lamarck 1822
Terebra balabacensis Aubry & Picardal 2011
Terebra bellanodosa Grabau & S. G. King 1928
Terebra binii (Aubry 2014)
Terebra boucheti Bratcher 1981
Terebra bratcherae Cernohorsky 1987
Terebra brunnea Kuroda 1928
Terebra caddeyi Bratcher & Cernohorsky 1982
Terebra caelata A. Adams & Reeve 1850
Terebra canalis S. V. Wood 1828
Terebra cancellata Gray 1834
Terebra castaneostriata Kosuge 1979
Terebra cingulifera Lamarck 1822
Terebra circinata Deshayes 1857
Terebra cognata E. A. Smith 1877
Terebra commaculata (Gmelin 1791)
Terebra connelli Bratcher & Cernohorsky 1985
Terebra consobrina Deshayes 1857
Terebra corrugata Lamarck 1822
Terebra cossignanii Aubry 2008
Terebra costellata G. B. Sowerby I 1846
Terebra cumingii Deshayes 1857
Terebra deshayesii Reeve 1860
Terebra dispar Deshayes 1859
Terebra donpisori Terryn 2017
Terebra elliscrossi Bratcher 1979
Terebra erythraeensis Terryn & Dekker 2017
Terebra exilis Bell 1871
Terebra eximia Deshayes 1859
Terebra fenestrata Hinds 1844
Terebra fernandae Aubry 1991
Terebra fernandesi Bouchet 1983
Terebra fijiensis (E. A. Smith 1873)
Terebra floridana (Dall 1889)
Terebra formosa Deshayes 1857
Terebra fujitai Kuroda & Habe 1952
Terebra funiculata Hinds 1844
Terebra gabriellae Aubry 2008
Terebra gaiae Aubry 2008
Terebra giorgioi Aubry 1999
Terebra grayi E. A. Smith 1877
Terebra guineensis Bouchet 1983
Terebra guttata (Röding 1798)
Terebra helichrysum Melvill & Standen 1903
Terebra histrio Deshayes 1857
Terebra hoaraui Drivas & Jay 1988
Terebra inaequalis G. B. Sowerby I 1850
Terebra insalli Bratcher & R. D. Burch 1976
Terebra inversa Nyst 1843
Terebra irregularis Thiele 1925
Terebra jacksoniana (Garrard 1976)
Terebra jenningsi R. D. Burch 1965
Terebra kantori Terryn 2017
Terebra knudseni Bratcher 1983
Terebra laevigata Gray 1834
Terebra lauretanae Tenison Woods 1878
Terebra levantina Aubry 1999
Terebra ligata Hinds 1844
Terebra lindae Petuch 1987
Terebra montgomeryi R. D. Burch 1965
Terebra niauensis Tröndlé & Letourneux 2011
Terebra nodularis Deshayes 1859
Terebra noumeaensis Aubry 1999
Terebra ornata Gray 1834
Terebra pellyi E. A. Smith 1877
Terebra picta Hinds 1844
Terebra praelonga Deshayes 1859
Terebra pseudopicta Aubry 2008
Terebra pseudoturbonilla Talavera 1975
Terebra punctatostriata Gray 1834
Terebra quoygaimardi Cernohorsky & Bratcher 1976
Terebra reticularis (Pecchioli in Sacco 1891)
Terebra robusta Hinds 1844
Terebra rosae Aubry 2015
Terebra subangulata Deshayes 1859
Terebra subulata (Linnaeus 1767)
Terebra succinea Hinds 1844
Terebra swobodai Bratcher 1981
Terebra tagaroae Terryn 2017
Terebra taiwanensis Aubry 1999
Terebra taurina (Lightfoot 1786)
Terebra terryni Poppe, Tagaro & Goto 2018
Terebra tessellata Gray 1834
Terebra tricolor G. B. Sowerby I 1825
Terebra twilae Bouchet 1983
Terebra vanuatuensis Aubry 1999
Terebra vanwalleghemi Terryn 2017
Terebra vappereaui Tröndlé, Boutet & Terryn 2013
Terebra venilia Tenison Woods 1879
Terebra virgo Schepman 1913
Terebra walkeri E. A. Smith 1899
35 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
World Register of Marine Species
Terebra albomarginata Deshayes 1859
(this page)
Terebra acuticostata K. Martin 1884
Terebra adamsii E. A. Smith 1873
Terebra agulha Terryn 2022
Terebra aikeni Terryn & Welsh 2020
Terebra alabaster Terryn 2022
Terebra amanda Hinds 1844
Terebra archimedis Deshayes 1859
Terebra argus Hinds 1844
Terebra babylonia Lamarck 1822
Terebra bifilifera O. Boettger 1875
Terebra binii (Aubry 2014)
Terebra bistriata Grateloup 1834
Terebra bisulcata K. Martin 1883
Terebra caelata A. Adams & Reeve 1850
Terebra canalis canalis S. V. Wood 1848
Terebra canalis S. V. Wood 1848
Terebra canalis wouveri Finlay 1927
Terebra catenifera Tate 1886
Terebra caudapotamogalina Terryn 2022
Terebra cincta (Schlotheim 1820)
Terebra cingulifera Lamarck 1822
Terebra consobrina Deshayes 1857
Terebra corrugata Lamarck 1822
Terebra cryptica Terryn 2023
Terebra cumingii Deshayes 1857
Terebra dahanaensis Icke & K. Martin 1907
Terebra degrangei Peyrot 1931
Terebra deshayesii Reeve 1860
Terebra dijki K. Martin 1884
Terebra donpisori Terryn 2017
Terebra ekotokwa Terryn 2022
Terebra elena Pilsbry & Olsson 1941
Terebra emmonsi Dall 1896
Terebra erbi Haanstra & Spiker 1932
Terebra erythraeensis Terryn & H. Dekker 2017
Terebra exilis Bell 1871
Terebra fenestrata fenestrata Hinds 1844
Terebra fernandae Aubry 1995
Terebra fernandesi Bouchet 1983
Terebra funiculata Hinds 1844
Terebra galapagina Dall & Ochsner 1928
Terebra geniculata Tate 1886
Terebra grayi E. A. Smith 1877
Terebra grimwoodi Terryn 2022
Terebra guttata (Röding 1798)
Terebra herklotsi K. Martin 1879
Terebra histrio Deshayes 1857
Terebra hoaraui Drivas & M. Jay 1988
Terebra hochstetteri K. Martin 1879
Terebra holfordae Terryn 2022
Terebra hungarica Halaváts 1884
Terebra hungarica macropunctata Bohn-Havas 1973
Terebra ickei K. Martin 1906
Terebra insalli Bratcher & R. D. Burch 1967
Terebra inversa inversa Nyst 1835
Terebra inversa Nyst 1835
Terebra inversa oakleyana Finlay 1927
Terebra javana K. Martin 1879
Terebra jenkinsi K. Martin 1879
Terebra junghuhni K. Martin 1906
Terebra kantori Terryn 2017
Terebra laevigata Gray 1834
Terebra lima Deshayes 1857
Terebra litorea Dall & Ochsner 1928
Terebra luteatincta Terryn & Keppens 2023
Terebra nanggulanensis K. Martin 1914
Terebra nodularis Deshayes 1859
Terebra perplexa Terryn 2023
Terebra philpoppei Terryn 2023
Terebra praelonga Deshayes 1859
Terebra pseudopertusa Peyrot 1931
Terebra punctum (Poppe, Tagaro & Terryn 2009)
Terebra quoygaimardi Cernohorsky & Bratcher 1976
Terebra raybaudii Aubry 1993
Terebra reticularis (Pecchioli 1891)
Terebra samarangana K. Martin 1884
Terebra santosi (Shuto 1969)
Terebra serotina A. Adams & Reeve 1850
Terebra shimajiriensis MacNeil 1961
Terebra sindangbaranensis K. Martin 1906
Terebra sokkohensis K. Martin 1916
Terebra spraguei Terryn 2022
Terebra stegeri Abbott 1954
Terebra straminea Gray 1834
Terebra subacuminata H. Woodward 1879
Terebra subulata (Linnaeus 1767)
Terebra tagaroae Terryn 2017
Terebra takauensis Terryn 2021
Terebra talahabensis K. Martin 1906
Terebra tenisoni Finlay 1927
Terebra terryni Poppe, Tagaro & Goto 2018
Terebra teschi Finlay 1930
Terebra tjilonganensis K. Martin 1906
Terebra torquata pliocenica Koperberg 1931
Terebra torquata torquata A. Adams & Reeve 1850
Terebra triseriata Gray 1834
Terebra undulifera G. B. Sowerby I 1846
Terebra vanwalleghemi Terryn 2017
Terebra vredenburgi Finlay 1930
Terebra waisiuensis K. Martin 1933
66 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.