Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Smicridea (S.) ulva
Related to the following species, S. ulva, new species, is distinguished by the more elongate processes of the lateral plate and especially by the slender, tubular central process of the aedeagus.
ADULT.—Length of forewing 4.5 mm. Color black, legs paler basally, head with white hair anteromesally; forewing with 2 transverse white bands, apical fringe white (cf. Figure 20). Male genitalia: Ninth segment slightly expanded anterolaterally. Tenth tergite in lateral aspect narrow, with an angulate, upturned tip; in dorsal aspect with lateral margin expanded basally, apex angulate. Clasper with basal segment long, expanded apically; apical segment in dorsal aspect with tip produced into a point. Aedeagus enlarged basally, open apically; apex with ventral lobe produced as a pair of very long, contiguous processes mesally, and a long, slender, pointed process laterally; with a pair of long, slender central spines; with a tubular central process and a small dorsal process. Female genitalia: Unknown.
MATERIAL.—Holotype, male: NICARAGUA, CHONTALES, Puente Quinama, E of Villa Somoza, 29 July 1967, O. C. Flint, Jr. USNM Type 72699. Paratype: MATAGALPA, 5.3 miles E of Matagalpa, 30 July 1967, O. S. Flint, Jr., 1 .
BIOLOGY.—Both specimens were taken at an ultraviolet light. The Matagalpa locality was adjacent to a small tumbling mountain brooklet, while the Puente Quinama locality was in the vicinity of several streams. The main stream is a large, turbulent river, 10–15 meters wide by a half to a meter deep, but there were several small streams nearby which could equally well have been the source of the type.
- bibliographic citation
- Flint, Oliver S., Jr. 1974. "Studies of Neotropical Caddisflies XVII: The Genus Smicridea from North and Central America (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-65.