Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Smicridea (Smicridea) turgida
This species seems the most closely related to anticura, new species, but differs in coloration and structure of the apex of the phallus. The color is dark with whiter spots in this species, but in all other species of the group it is basically white with dark flecks. The apex of the phallotheca is distinctly inflated in dorsal aspect in turgida, but nearly parallel-sided in the other species, and the basoventral root of the lateral plate in turgida is short and truncate, but slender and threadlike in anticura. The female of turgida is very easily recognized because the clasper groove is not impressed at all, whereas in all other species it is at least impressed or more commonly pocket-like.
ADULT.—Length of forewing, 6–8 mm. Color brown, appendages paler, antennae annulate; forewing brown, marked with white producing a mottled effect Eye of male in frontal aspect with diameter half that of interocular distance. Anterolateral process of fifth sternum length of sternum; with 2 pairs of internal sacs, very large, 1¼ to 1 ½ times length of segment within which they lie.
Male Genitalia: Ninth segment with anterolateral margin slightly produced dorsad. Tenth tergum elongate; tergite with tip produced slightly in dorsal, produced and upturned in lateral aspect. Clasper with basal segment inflated apicad; apical segment short, blunt. Phallus tubular with base at right angles to stem; basal opening 3 times width of narrowest part of stem; apex enlarged especially in dorsal and ventral aspects; lateral plates deflected somewhat ventrad by development of a bilobed dorsal projection of stem, in ventral aspect with stem much broader than plates; lateral plates rounded, cup-like in ventral aspect with only slight development of mesobasal angle; with basoventral root short and truncate; dorsolateral lobe small but distinct, lying laterally near base of lateral plate.
Female Genitalia: Eighth sternite with mesal margin deeply sinuate, posteromesal angle rounded. Ninth tergum produced anteroventrally. Clasper receptacle absent; with a shallow dorsolateral clasper groove whose dorsal margin projects slightly in dorsal aspect. Vaginal sclerites with posterior one narrow, dark, strongly curved, with a minute central pore; anterior sclerite broad, anterior margin curved.
MATERIAL EXAMINED.—Holotype, male: CHILE: PCIA. ARAUCO: Caramávida, 3–31 Jan 1967, L.E. Peña G. Type NMNH.
Paratypes: CHILE: PCIA. ARAUCO: Same data as holotype, 4 , 74 (NMNH); Pichinahuel [Nahuelbuta Mountains, 37°47′S], 1–30 Jan 1959, L.E. Peña G., 11 , 8 (CNC); Chacay [Nahuelbuta Mountains, 37°48′S; 73°08′W], 11 Feb 1953, L.E. Peña G., 1 , 1 (CNC). PCIA. MALLECO: Nahuelbuta National Park, Cabreria, 1100 m, 9–15 Jan 1977, L.E. Peña G., 2 (NMNH); same, but 15–20 Jan 1977, L.E. Peña G., 2 (NMNH); same, but 4 Feb 1979, Davis et al., 1 (NMNH); Nahuelbuta National Park, near “Los Gringos” camp, 1300 m, 29 Jan-5 Feb 1979, Davis et al., 14 , 14 (NMNH); Vegas Blancas, 27 km W Angol, 700 m, 17 Jan 1987, C.M. & O.S. Flint, Jr., 1 (NMNH); Tolhuaca, 15–20 Jan 1959, L.E. Peña G., 1 , (CNC).
- bibliographic citation
- Flint, Oliver S., Jr. 1989. "Studies of Neotropical Caddiflies, XXXIX: The Genus Smicridea in the Chilean Subregion (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-45.