Original: Brackenridge, William D. (William Dunlop), 1810-1893Derived: Peter coxhead
Wikimedia Commons
Description: English: Illustration of Lomagramma polyphylla from Brackenridge, William D., Botany. Cryptogamia. Filices, including Lycopodiaceae and Hydropterides. Date: Original: 1850sDerived: 2020-01-23. Source: This file was derived from: Botany. Cryptogamia. Filices, including Lycopodiaceae and Hydropterides (1854) (20412694921).jpg: Reduced to grayscale, improved contrast and removed stray marks; removed the second species on the plate. Author: Original: Brackenridge, William D. (William Dunlop), 1810-1893Derived: Peter coxhead.