Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Smicridea (S.) bivittata (Hagen)
Hydropsyche bivittata Hagen 1861:291.—Ross 1952:33.
Smicridea bivittata (Hagen).—Ulmer, 1913:390.—Fischer, 1963:131; 1972:144.—Flint, 1967:13.
Wormaldia albata Navas, 1924:75.—Fischer, 1961:32 [new synonymy].
Within the fasciatella group, this is the only species with bivittate forewings. In the male sex the angulate and bifurcate apex of the apical clasper segment is unique. The female genitalia are less easily characterized. However, the shape of the ninth tergum, especially the ventral margin and appearance of the sclerites of the vagina permit a definitive identification.
I have cleared and studied the holotype female of W. albata Navas located in the Paris Museum. It is a typical example of this species.
The larvae are most similar to those of S. fasciatella. They may be recognized by the slightly asymmetrical anterior margin of the frontoclypeus, and especially by the shape of the left mandible whose molar tooth is bilobate. The pupae, however, offer no clearcut distinctions.
ADULT.—Length of forewing 4.5–5.5 mm. Color black, legs pale, head with white hair anteromesally; forewing black, with two distinct, transverse, white bands, apical fringe white (Figure 20). Male genitalia: Ninth segment with anterior margin vertical. Tenth tergite constricted subapically, tip produced into a small dorsal point in lateral aspect; in dorsal aspect obliquely truncate, produced laterad. Clasper with basal segment long, nearly parallel-sided; apical segment in dorsal aspect enlarged subapically and angled mesad, tip shallowly bifid. Aedeagus tubular, with basal and apical sections meeting at an angle of about 150°; internal sclerite in lateral aspect long and slender, enlarged apicad, in dorsal aspect with basal section divided for a short distance and apex bearing 2 small ovoid plates. Female genitalia: Eighth sternite with posterolateral lobe large, dark fold distinctly sinuate; posterior margin produced into an angled lobe at midlength. Ninth tergum with dorsolateral margin produced into a small, angled lobe, ventral margin shallowly emarginate. Vagina with lateral and posterior support broad, central sclerite and opening borne nearly vertical.
LARVA.—Length to 8 mm. Sclerites generally pale yellowish, head darker centrally. Anterior margin of frontoclypeus with numerous small, rounded lobes, slightly enlarged on right side. Left mandible with molar tooth bilobate, right mandible with molar tooth rounded and enlarged ventrad.
PUPA.—Length 5 mm. No distinct differences from S. fasciatella.
MATERIAL.—MEXICO: SAN LUIS POTOSI: Huichihuayan, 4 June 1967, O. S. Flint, Jr., 1 ; same, but 26 June 1965, larvae, prepupae, 1 pupa. VERACRUZ: Cordoba, 28 July 1965, Flint and Ortiz, 1 ; same, but 6–9 November 1966, A. B. Lau, 2 . Cuitlahuac, 10–12 August 1964, P. J. Spangler, 3 4; same, but 24–27 July 1965, Flint and Ortiz, 1 . Route 140, km 347, near El Encero, 22 July 1965, Flint and Ortiz, many . Near Huatusco, 25–26 July 1965, Flint and Ortiz, 1 . Puente Nacional, 23–24 July 1965, Flint and Ortiz, 1 . TABASCO: Reforma, 4 January 1939, A. Dampf, 5 (INHS). CHIAPAS: 7.8 miles E of Pichucalco, 27–28 July 1966, Flint and Ortiz, 1 . Finca Victoria, 2 June 1935, A. Dampf, 1 (INHS). Finca Vergel, 21 May 1935, A. Dampf, 1 (INHS); same, but 7 June 1935, 1 ; same, but 12 June 1935, 1 . Mapastepec, 5 November 1932, A. Dampf, 6 (INHS). Puente Arroyo Viejo, route 200, km 141, 9 June 1967, Flint and Ortiz, 1 4 .
GUATEMALA: RETALHULEU: Puente El Nino, near Retalhuleu, 16 June 1966, Flint and Ortiz, 1 . SUCHITEPEQUEZ: Cuyotenango, 10–20 June 1966, Flint and Ortiz, many . Finca Mocá, 12 June 1966, Flint and Ortiz, 1 1 ; same, but 11 June 1967, 1 . Puente lxtacapa, near San Antonio, 18–19 June 1966, Flint and Ortiz, 1. IZABAL: Limones, route CA9, km 282, 16–18 August 1965, Flint and Ortiz, 1 .
EL SALVADOR: LA LIBERTAD: Santa Tecla, 900 m, 2–13 May 1969, S. Steinhauser, 1. Rió Majagual, near La Libertad, 1 July 1966, Flint and Ortiz, 1 . Rió El Taquio, N of La Libertad, 3 July 1966, Flint and Ortiz, 1 .
NICARAGUA: CHONTALES: Puente Quinama, E of Villa Somoza, 29 July 1967, O. S. Flint, Jr., 3 .
COSTA RICA: GUANACASTE: Quebrada Tronadorcita, near Arenal, 24 July 1967, O. S. Flint, Jr., 1 . SAN JOSE: Pacuare, Rió General, 1 July 1967, Flint and Ortiz, 1 5 . PUNTARENAS: Rió Vieja, near Lagarto, 2–3 July 1967, Flint and Ortiz, many . Palma Sur, August 1962, F. S. Blanton, 1 1 . CARIACO: Chitaria, 19 June 1967, Flint and Ortiz, 1 . La Suiza, 17 June 1967, Flint and Ortiz, 1 . HEREDIA?: La Caja, 1920, Paul Serre, 1 holotype Wormaldia albata Navas (MNHN).
PANAMA: No further data, 1 holotype (MCZ). CHIRIQUI: Rió Caimito, 10 miles N of David, 4 July 1967, Flint and Ortiz, 3 3. COCLE: El Valle, 15 July 1967, O. S. Flint, Jr., 1 . PANAMA: Cerro Azul, 7 July 1967, Flint and Ortiz, many . CANAL ZONE: Pipeline Road, Rió Frijoles, 6–7 July 1967, Flint and Ortiz, 1 . Madden Dam, 10–13 July 1967, O. S. Flint, Jr., many . Barro Colorado Island, 18–28 April 1964, W. D. and S. S. Duckworth, 1 ; same, but 1–9 May 1964, 1 1 ; same, but 10–17 May 1964, 1 ; same, but 12 March 1967, M. E. Irwin, many (UCR).
BIOLOGY.—Adults of this species are commonly attracted to lights at night. The one collection of larvae and pupae was made in a small stream in a rather open woods. Adults, however, have been taken near flowing waters up to 5 meters or more in width. Although this species appears frequently with S. varia, it appears that the probable breeding sites are at the larger, warmer end of the tolerance range of S. bivittata, and the smaller, cooler end of the tolerance range of S. varia.
- bibliographic citation
- Flint, Oliver S., Jr. 1974. "Studies of Neotropical Caddisflies XVII: The Genus Smicridea from North and Central America (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-65.
Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Smicridea (Smicridea) bivittata (Hagen)
Hydropsyche bivittata Hagen, 1861:291.
Smicridea bivittata (Hagen).—Fischer, 1963:131; 1972a: 144.—Flint, 1974b:16–17; 1981a:22
This is a common, widespread species known from Mexico south to Colombia, and east to Surinam, and I have seen examples from Ecuador. It was taken near Sopetrán, the lowest, driest site sampled, and has also been taken in the Departments of Chocó, Risaralda, and Valle del Cauca in Colombia.
MATERIAL.—COLOMBIA. DPTO. ANTIOQUIA: Quebrada La Jiménez, Sopetrán (trap C), May 1983-Mar 1984, U. Matthias, 7, 14. “Finca Velásquez,” Sopetrán, 14 Feb 1983, O.S. Flint, Jr., 1.
- bibliographic citation
- Flint, Oliver S., Jr. 1991. "Studies of Neotropical Caddisflies, XLV: The Taxonomy, Phenology, and Faunistics of the Trichoptera of Antioquia, Colombia." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-113.
Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Smicridea (Smicridea) bivittata (Hagen)
Hydrospyche bivittata Hagen, 1861:291.—Ross, 1952:33.
Smicridea bivittata.—Ulmer, 1913:390.—Fischer, 1963:131.—Flint, 1967b:16; 1974a:90.
This species is common and widespread from northeastern Mexico south throughout Central America and was recently recorded from Surinam. It is here recorded from Venezuela for the first time.
In appearance this species and S. palifera, new species, both common at the fish hatchery, are indistinguishable. However the genitalia of both sexes permit ready separation.
MATERIAL.—VENEZUELA, ARAGUA: Estacion Piscicultura, 1974–1976, see Table 1. Maracay, El Limón, 2–6 Feb 1976, 8 2; 6 Jul 1974, 1. BARINAS: Rio St. Domingo, Barinas, 17 Feb 1976, 1. BOLIVAR: El Bochinche, Reserva Forestal Imataca, 6–13 Dec 1974, 1.
- bibliographic citation
- Flint, Oliver S., Jr. 1981. "Studies of Neotropical Caddisflies, XXVIII: The Trichoptera of the RA-o Limón Basin, Venezuela." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-61.