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Smicridea (Smicridea) complicatissima Flint & Denning 1989

Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Smicridea (Smicridea) complicatissima

This morphologically distinct species is of unknown relationship. Unique features include the ventromesal projection of the ninth sternum and the very large phallus that is membranous anteroventrally, lacks any ventral articulation with the clasper bases, and bears numerous spines and a large convoluted median lobe. Although suggestive of some species of the S. nigripennis species group, such as S. tarasca Flint, I believe this resemblance is convergent. All species of the nigripennis species group are black, sometimes with a pair of transverse, white lines, and the phallus is sclerotized anteroventrally and is distinctly articulated with the clasper bases. But complicatissima is a mottled brown color and the entire basoventral region of the phallus is membranous.

ADULT.—Length of forewing, 7 mm. General color dark brown, appendages paler, antennae annulate; forewing dark brown with scattered pale flecks producing an obscure irroration. Eye of male in frontal aspect with diameter half that of interocular distance. Anterolateral process of fifth sternum slightly shorter than sternum; with 2 pairs of internal sacs each distinctly shorter than the segment within which it lies.

Male Genitalia: Ninth segment with anterior margin vertical; sternum produced posteriad as a broad thin lobe between claspers. Tenth tergum divided apicomesally; tergite short, narrow, and upturned in lateral, and narrow apicad in dorsal aspect; in lateral aspect very broad basally. Clasper with basal segment slightly inflated apicad; apical segment elongate. Phallus with usual sclerotized anteroventral margin and articulation with clasper bases lost and area membraneous (ninth sternal process seeming to serve as a support or have an articulatory function with phallus midventrally); apical region non-tubular, composed of a broad ventral scoop-like lobe, two pairs of lateral spines, dorsalmost being much the smaller, a paired, complex central structure whose parts are compressed mesally and has the ventral area produced slightly posteriad and bears a darkened, ribbon-like dorsal sclerotization, and a short, thin dorsal lobe whose apex is weakly bilobed; apical region partially covered by a membranous connection from tenth tergum.

Female Genitalia: Unknown.

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—Holotype, male: CHILE: PCIA. MALLECO: Parque Nacional Contulmo, 24 Oct 1969, Flint & Barria. Type NMNH.

Paratype: CHILE: PCIA. MALLECO: Same data as holotype, 2 (NMNH).
bibliographic citation
Flint, Oliver S., Jr. 1989. "Studies of Neotropical Caddiflies, XXXIX: The Genus Smicridea in the Chilean Subregion (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-45. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.472