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Lepidaploa commutata (Ekman) H. Rob.

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Vernonia commutata Ekman, Ark. Bot. 13 15 : 77. 1914
Vernonia araripensis Gleason, Bull. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 4: 181, in part. 1906. Not V. araripensis Gardn. 1846.
Stems herbaceous or suffruticose, 7 dm. high, simple to the inflorescence, thinly appressed-
pubescent; leaves linear, narrowed to the base, sessile or nearly so, acute, entire, revolute,
papillose-pubescent or becoming scabrous above, dull-green and thickly resin-dotted beneath,
the upper and bracteal leaves similar but reduced in size; inflorescence of numerous, short,
divaricately spreading cymes from the upper axils; heads about 18-flowered; involucre
turbinate, 5 mm. high, the scales loosely and irregularly imbricate in few series, sharply acute,
the outer narrowly triangular, the inner narrowly lanceolate, the larger ones thinly villous
and resin-dotted; achenes 2 mm. long, resinous and hirsute with erect hairs; pappus pale-brown
or almost white, 4 mm. long, the scales 0.6-0.7 mm. long.
Type locality: Cuba. Distribution: Eastern Cuba.
bibliographic citation
Per Axel, Rydberg. 1922. CARDUALES; AMBROSIACEAE, CARDUACEAE. North American flora. vol 33(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora