Description of Toxoglugea
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Octosporoblastic sporogony producing horseshoe-shaped monokaryotic spores in sporophorous vesicles; monomorphic, diplokaryotic and monokaryotic; merogony - last generation merozoites are diplokaryotic; sporogony - initial division of the sporont nuclei is meiotic as indicated by the occurrence of synaptonemal complexes; spores are horse-shoe-shaped, with swollen ends in T. variabilis and have one elongate nucleus; exospore with three layers, endospore is of medium thickness; polaroplast composed of two lamellar parts, an anterior part of closely packed lamellae and a posterior part of wider compartments; polar tube is isofilar and forms, in the posterior quarter of the spore, 3-4 coils in a single rank (T. variabilis) or 8-10 coils in a single rank (T. chironomi); type species Toxoglugea vibrio in adipose tissue of larvae of Ceratopogon sp. (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae).