All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
Publication: Loeblich, A.R., Tappan, H., 1994. Foraminifera of the Sahul Shelf and Timor Sea. Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research Special Publication 31, 13–630 Plate 8 Figures 4–9 Figure caption: 4, Hypotype (USNM 469530) from V-50, x50. 5, Hypotype (USNM 469531) from V-157. x 50.6, Hypotype (USNM 469532) from V-278, x37. 7,8, Hypotype (USNM 469533) from V-171, x 25.9, Hypotype (USNM 469534) from V-349, x34. (p. 18) Image upload permission granted by the Cushman Foundation.
Placopsilina bradyi sensu Jones, R.W. 1994. The Challenger Foraminifera. Image source: Brady, H.B. (1884) Pl. 36
Loeblich, A. R., Tappan, H. N., 1987: Foraminiferal genera and their classification. Van Nostrand, Reinhold Co. New York 1728 pp. Plate 65, Figs. 11-12: U. Cretaceous (Cenomanian), Czechoslovakia. 11, Longitudinal section, x 40; 12, exterior of attached specimen, x 15 (from Perner, 1892). courtesy of Michael Hesemann https://foraminifera.eu
Image source: Cushman, J.A. 1920. The Foraminifera of the Atlantic Ocean. Part 2. Lituolidae. Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus. 104.
Image source: Cushman, J.A. 1910. A Monograph of the Foraminifera of the North Pacific Ocean. Part I. Astrorhizidae and Lituolidae. Bull. U.S. Nation. Mus 71: xiv+134 pp.
Publication: Loeblich, A.R., Tappan, H., 1994. Foraminifera of the Sahul Shelf and Timor Sea. Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research Special Publication 31, 13–630 Plate 9 Figures 1–4 Figure caption: 1, Holotype (USNM 469535) from V -276, x 50. 2, Paratype (USNM 469536) from V -27 4, x 50. 3, 4, Paratype (USNM 469537) from V -266, x 50. (p. 17) Image upload permission granted by the Cushman Foundation.